Re: [ROOT] How do I disable reading of a leaf in a TChain

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Tue Oct 16 2001 - 18:42:53 MEST


Thomas Bretz wrote:
> Hi Rene,
> did I understood you correctly, that enabeling a leaf results in
> enabeling the whole branch. Before your previous mail I also tried to
> use
> SetBranchStatus("mybranch") (to stick to your example) but this didn't
> work.

Enabling a leaf does not make sense. You can only enable/disable branches.
I cannot tell you more on your problem without looking at your code.

> Another question. Assuming I have two different objects (MYClass1,
> MyClass2) stored as subbranches of one tree. Both classes are containing
> a variable called (fMyValue). What would be the result of:
> SetBranchStatus("fMyValue")
   Suppose a top class MyTop *top, where 
      class MyTop : pyublic TObject {
        MyClass1   fA;
        myClass2   fB;

and you create a top level branch with:

you can do now:
  tree.SetBranchStatus("*",0); //to disable all branches
  tree.SetBranchStatus("fA.fMyValue",1); //to activate only this branch
  tree.GetEntry(i); //to read entry i and only teh active branch

> Is it possible to enhance the documentation of SetBranchStatus? I think
> it is an very important function, and until now I'm not really sure
> whether I understood correctly what it is doing.

The documentation of TTree::SetBranchStatus is available at:

Rene Brun

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