Re: [ROOT] Closing a TGFrame.

From: Fons Rademakers (
Date: Thu Oct 18 2001 - 18:48:00 MEST

No it just clears the list of primitives that were added to it.
E.g. histogram can be in two pads/canvases and you don't want to
delete it when closing one pad.

-- Fons

Brett Viren wrote:
> Fons Rademakers writes:
>  >   it is important that you connect a function to the TGMainFrame CloseWindow()
>  > signal in which you delete the frame and all other widgets. The default
>  > TGMainFrame::CloseWindow() just closes the TGMainFrame (i.e. destroys the
>  > associated X11 window, but does not delete the TGMainFrame object)
> Thanks Fons,
> I still have problems, but I think these are due to undeleted or
> double deleted objects owned by my TGMainFrame, or one of its
> children.
> I think this must have been asked many times before, but I couldn't
> find the answer: does TPad own its objects?  It seems that I remember
> a document explaining this, but searching through the user's guide and
> searching came up empty.
> -Brett.

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