Hi Rooters, If I process the resulting 'test.eps' of the following macro through epstopdf, acroread will report an error on the PDF file: "There was an error processing a page. Invalid restore" "An unrecognized token 'Tdq' was found" However, if I change the h.SetFillColor(kBlack); line to h.SetFillColor(kBlue); then everything is fine. I am using root version 2.25/03 on RedHat6.1 Maybe this helps to trace some hidden error. Or is this a bug of epstopdf, acroread, or the macro? Daniel ----------------------------- { TCanvas c; TH1F a("a","a",100,0,1); a.Fill(0.95,4); a.Draw(); TH1F h("h","h",100,0,1); h.Fill(0.3,4); h.Fill(0.31,4); h.Fill(0.32,4); h.Fill(0.33,4); h.Fill(0.34,4); h.SetFillStyle(3004); h.SetFillColor(kBlack); h.Draw("same"); c.SaveAs("test.eps"); }
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