From: Matthieu Guillo (guillo@jlab.org)
Date: Fri Oct 26 2001 - 18:21:22 MEST

Hello Rooters,

For fitting purpose I need to use some functions defined per intervall and
not defined in others. The function is not defined in some interval (or
points), setting the values to 0 (as some suggested) is not an option
since it is a other mathematical function. 

How hard is it to implement this? The constructor could take some TList
as argument to define the intervals where the function is defined. When
evaluating the function where it is not defined, it can throw an
exception. And Minuit could catch it using a try / catch block. This could
be also useful for overflow, underflow, division per 0... Is it a goood
C++ approach to define such functions?


Matthieu Guillo
University of South Carolina
Thomas Jefferson National Laboratory
Office 71 trailer 16
Phone: 757-269-5551

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