Re: [ROOT] TGHProgressBar drawing

From: Fons Rademakers (
Date: Thu Nov 01 2001 - 12:39:10 MET

Has been changed. Redraws now only when pos actually changes.

Cheers, Fons.

Thomas Bretz wrote:
> Hello,
> if I understand the code correctly TGHProgressBar::Setposition calls
> TGHProgressBar::DoRedraw. DoRedraw redraws the progress bar
> independantly of whether the progress bar changed or not (example: I
> have a range of 0,1000 events and a progressbar of 100pixel. I call
> SetPosition for any event, the progressbar is redrawn 1000times instead
> of 100times) In some circumstances you may waste much time redrawing
> something which is already visible. Is it possible to change this
> behaviour?
> Best regards,
> Thomas.

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