[ROOT] Question about TCutG

From: Andrei Daniel (daniel@jinr.ru)
Date: Mon Nov 19 2001 - 11:03:16 MET

Hi Rooters,

What may be wrong in the next using of TCutG? 
I have experimental data in the one large TFile as 
a number of TTree and opened as F. All graphical 
cuts and plots were saved in another file opened 
here as Fout.
root [1] Fout.cd()
(unsigned char)1
root [2] TCutG *cutx = (TCutG*)Fout.Get("CUT1D1L2")
root [3] cutx->GetVarX()
(const char* 0x155801c)"E1"
root [4] F.cd()
(unsigned char)1
root [5] RUN21.Draw("E1","CUT1D1L2")
root [6] Fout.cd()
(unsigned char)1
root [7] TCutG *cutx2 = (TCutG*)Fout.Get("CUT1D2L2")
root [8] cutx2->GetVarX()
(const char* 0x1fe8194)"E2"
root [9] cutx2->GetVarY()
(const char* 0x1fe3dac)"DE2"
root [10] F.cd()
(unsigned char)1
root [11] RUN21.Draw("E2","CUT1D2L2")
Error: C++ exception caught FILE:E:\Temp\Daniel\22 LINE:1
*** Interpreter error recovered ***

Both cuts may be drawn and printed. Names E1, DE1, E2, DE2 
exist in the RUN21 and may be drawn without cut.
Version of ROOT 3.02/03 for Windows.

Andrei Daniel

Andrei Daniel
FLNR, JINR, Dubna 141980 Russia
e-mail: daniel@jinr.ru
tel: 7 (09621) 64568   fax: 7 (09621) 65083 

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