Re: [ROOT] install on sparc-linux

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Wed Nov 21 2001 - 15:38:43 MET


Please do not flood this list with 3 times the same mail. You are sending your
mails to more than 3000 people ! It takes a few minutes to the mail server
to dispatch the mails.

Fons will answer your mail later. He is currently in India.
Instead of starting the front-end program root, could you start
gdb root.exe and tell us where it stops. Send the gdb trace back

Rene Brun

Chad Johnson wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry if this is a repeat but my posts don't seem to be going through so
> I am trying again.
> I am trying to install root v3.01/06 and/or v3.02/04 on a Sun
> SparcStation 10 that is running RedHat 6.2. The processor is actually a
> Ross Hypersparc, which is a different though comaptible CPU to the TI
> SuperSparcs that usually run in  SS10's. There are two problems: First,
> when I attempt to compile root it stops at TUnixSystem with an error
> that FIONBIO and FIOREAD are undefined and ioctl is undeclared. I can
> fix this by adding at the bottom of base/inc/RConfig.h "#define
> R__LINUX" since it does not seem to be seeing that my machine is  linux
> machine and so the proper include files are skipped in TUnixSystem.cxx.
> The second problem is that now root compiles, but when I attempt to run
> it the splash screen comes up but then just dumps me to the prompt and
> drops a core. Any ideas? I have compiled many programs on this machine,
> such as the kernel, openssh, and lyx, whith no problems what so ever.
> Oh, and I am running "./Configure linux" to start.
> Thanks in advance,
> Chad
> --
> ________________________
> Chad J. Johnson
> icq# 123664190
> Undergraduate in Physics
> School of Physics and Astronomy
> University Of Minnesota

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