Hi, I would like to use two derived classes and put them in two different branches of a tree. The two classes (PhysEvent and RandEvent) inherit from GenEvent. When I try to link the executable, I have the following answer : /opt/Libs//libanalyse.so: undefined reference to`PhysEvent::StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer &)' /opt/Libs//libanalyse.so: undefined reference to`RandEvent::DeclFileName(void)' /opt/Libs//libanalyse.so: undefined reference to`PhysEvent::IsA(void)const' /opt/Libs//libanalyse.so: undefined reference to`PhysEvent virtual table' /opt/Libs//libanalyse.so: undefined reference to`PhysEvent::DeclFileName(void)' /opt/Libs//libanalyse.so: undefined reference to`RandEvent::Class_Version(void)' /opt/Libs//libanalyse.so: undefined reference to`RandEvent::IsA(void)const' /opt/Libs//libanalyse.so: undefined reference to`RandEvent::DeclFileLine(void)' /opt/Libs//libanalyse.so: undefined reference to`GenEvent::Class_Name(void)' /opt/Libs//libanalyse.so: undefined reference to`RandEvent virtual table' /opt/Libs//libanalyse.so: undefined reference to`GenEvent::ShowMembers(TMemberInspector &, char *)' /opt/Libs//libanalyse.so: undefined reference to`RandEvent::StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer &)' /opt/Libs//libanalyse.so: undefined reference to`Station::Print(ostream&) const' /opt/Libs//libanalyse.so: undefined reference to`PhysEvent::Class_Version(void)' /opt/Libs//libanalyse.so: undefined reference to`GenEvent::Streamer(TBuffer &) /opt/Libs//libanalyse.so: undefined reference to`PhysEvent::DeclFileLine(void)' and I don't understand why ! Is there a special way to use ClassDef and/or ClassImp when dealing with derived classes ? There are the files in the following order : 1) anaclass.h 2) anaclass.cc 3) Makefile 4) analyse.cc (contains the main routine) 5) AnaLinkDef.h ============================================================== cat anaclass.h ============================================================== #ifndef _ANACLASS_H_ #define _ANACLASS_H_ #include <string> #include <vector> #include <iostream> #include "TROOT.h" #include "TObject.h" #include "TClonesArray.h" using namespace std; class Station : public TObject { public: Station(){}; ~Station(){}; double test; void Print(ostream& os) const; ClassDef(Station,1) }; class GenEvent : public TObject { public: GenEvent(); virtual ~GenEvent(); string fileName; TClonesArray *tca; Int_t Nstat; Int_t totNstat; void AddStation(const Station&); void Clear(); ClassDef(GenEvent,1) }; class PhysEvent : public GenEvent { public: PhysEvent(); ~PhysEvent(); Double_t a; ClassDef(PhysEvent,1) }; class RandEvent : public GenEvent { public: RandEvent(); ~RandEvent(); Double_t b; ClassDef(RandEvent,1) }; #endif ============================================================= cat anaclass.cc ============================================================== #include "anaclass.h" ClassImp(Station) ClassImp(GenEvent) ClassImp(PhysEvent) ClassImp(RandEvent) #define MAXPEVTS 20 #define MAXREVTS 20 /**************** GenEvent ***************/ GenEvent::GenEvent() { tca = new TClonesArray("Station",MAXPEVTS); Nstat = 0; totNstat = 0; } GenEvent::~GenEvent() { if( tca != NULL ) delete tca; } void GenEvent::AddStation(const Station& st) { TClonesArray &newstation = *tca; new(newstation[Nstat++]) Station(st); totNstat++; } void GenEvent::Clear() { tca->Clear(); Nstat = 0; } /******************** PhysEvent *******************/ PhysEvent::PhysEvent() : GenEvent() {} /******************** RandEvent *******************/ RandEvent::RandEvent() : GenEvent() {} ============================================================== cat Makefile ============================================================== ROOTDIR=/opt/root/ ROOTBIN=${ROOTDIR}bin/ ROOTLIB=${ROOTDIR}lib/ TMP=/opt/ OBJSDIR=${TMP}Objs/ LIBSDIR=${TMP}Libs/ MOBJS=${OBJSDIR}AnaDict.o ${OBJSDIR}analib.o ${OBJSDIR}anaclass.o CFLAGS=`${ROOTBIN}root-config --cflags` -Wall -DDPA -g LIBS=`${ROOTBIN}root-config --libs` -Wl,-rpath ${ROOTLIB} EXE=./analyse all: ${EXE} ${OBJSDIR}%.o: %.cc ${CXX} -c $< -o $@ ${CFLAGS} AnaDict.cc: analib.h anaclass.h AnaLinkDef.h ${ROOTBIN}rootcint -f AnaDict.cc -c analib.h anaclass.h AnaLinkDef.h ${LIBSDIR}libanalyse.a: ${MOBJS} ar r $@ ${MOBJS} ${LIBSDIR}libanalyse.so: ${MOBJS} g++ -shared -o $@ ${MOBJS} clean: rm -f ${OBJSDIR}*.o ${EXE} rm -f ${LIBSDIR}*.a ${LIBSDIR}*.so rm -f EbDict.* AnaDict.* core analyse: ${LIBSDIR}libanalyse.a ${LIBSDIR}libanalyse.so ${OBJSDIR}analyse.o ${CXX} ${CFLAGS} $(OBJS) ${LIBS} ${OBJSDIR}analyse.o \ -L${LIBSDIR} -lanalyse -o $@ ============================================================== cat analyse.cc (contains the main routine) ============================================================== #include "TROOT.h" #include "TApplication.h" #include "analib.h" #include "anaclass.h" #include <TFile.h> #include <TTree.h> TROOT root("Example","Example of data reading for the Auger experiment"); TTree * resultP; TTree * resultR; TFile * outfile; PhysEvent * pevt; RandEvent * revt; int main() { TApplication theApp ( "App", NULL, 0 ); gROOT->Reset( ); outfile = new TFile( "/tmp/outfile.root", "RECREATE", "Demo root file with ntuple" ); resultP = new TTree( "ResultP", "EAS parameters" ); resultR = new TTree( "ResultR", "EAS parameters" ); pevt = new PhysEvent(); revt = new RandEvent(); int bufsize = 10000; Int_t split = 1; resultP->Branch( "PhysEvents", "PhysEvent", &pevt, bufsize, split ); resultR->Branch( "RandEvents", "RandEvent", &revt, bufsize, split ); resultP->AutoSave(); resultR->AutoSave(); resultR->GetBranch("RandEvents")->SetAddress(&revt); resultP->GetBranch("PhysEvents")->SetAddress(&pevt); Station stat; for( int i=0;i<100;i++ ) { stat.test = i; revt->AddStation(stat); resultR->Fill(); revt->Clear(); } outfile->Write(); outfile->Close(); return 0; } ============================================================== cat AnaLinkDef.h ============================================================== #ifdef __CINT__ #pragma link off all globals; #pragma link off all classes; #pragma link off all functions; #pragma link off all typedef; #pragma link C++ class GenEvent; #pragma link C++ class PhysEvent; #pragma link C++ class RandEvent; #pragma link C++ class Station; #endif
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