Re: [ROOT] GetParameter difficulty

From: Jiri Masik (
Date: Thu Nov 29 2001 - 03:12:49 MET

Mike R <> writes:

> Hello,
>   I'm am having trouble accessing fit parameters.  I'm fairly new to
> ROOT and C++ so the answer may be simple.  I'm running on Red Hat
> 7.0 or 7.1 and am using ROOT 3.01.  I can fit my histograms to a
> Gaussian with no problems from the command prompt or with
> a ROOT macro using the predefined function 'gaus'  However, for the
> application I'm working on now, I need to do it from compiled C++ code.
>   I do get this warning when compiling, but it does compile:
>         "`TF1 *gaus' might be used uninitialized in this function"
> I don't know what to do to get rid of this.  I don't know if it is related
> to the problem I'll explain below...
>   I am able to Draw the histogram.  I am able to fit the histogram to a
> Gaussian (hadcGCs[k]->Fit("gaus","","",lowGCs[k],highGCs[k])), and the
> numbers are reasonable:
>               EDM=4.31488e-09    STRATEGY= 1    ERROR MATRIX ACCURATE
>   EXT PARAMETER                             STEP        FIRST
>   NO.  NAME       VALUE        ERROR        SIZE      DERIVATIVE
>    1  Constant 2.89594e+02  9.22416e+00  5.06654e-02 -1.18601e-05
>    2  Mean     1.30441e+02  6.90035e-01  5.85323e-03 -5.57058e-05
>    3  Sigma    3.27019e+01  8.30520e-01  3.43433e-05 -5.39811e-03 "
> I update the canvas and see a good Gaussian fit, so I know the fit
> is being done correctly.  ...BUT... when I try the following lines,
> which work fine in my macro, I get a segmentation violation (core
> dumped) error:
>         "Double_t peakGCs = gaus->GetParameter(1);
>          Double_t sigmaGCs = gaus->GetParameter(2);"
>   I need to use these numbers for further plots and calculations.  I
> searched your archived roottalk correspondence and found a couple
> somewhat similar problems, but none of the suggested fixes corrected my
> problem.  (e.g. adding the option 'N' in the Fit did not change anything.)
> I tried using the GetParameters(par) approach from the FittingDemo example
> in the ROOT manual but it gave a segmentation violation as well.
>                                                 Thanks,
> 						Mike

Hello Mike,

what are you assigning to the pointer TF1 *gaus? It's difficult to
diagnose the problem without seeing your code. Something along

h1 = new TH1F("h1","",100,-1.,1.); h1->FillRandom("gaus",10000);     
(class TF1*)0x10678f98

could give you a valid pointer in the interpreter but fail due to an
uninitialized pointer gaus when compiled. gaus= (TF1
*)gROOT->FindObject("gaus") would help to obtain the pointer to the
gaus object.


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