Re: [ROOT] looping over many events

From: Andre Holzner (
Date: Tue Dec 18 2001 - 18:51:56 MET

> Hi Andre,
> Sorry to answer only now this old mail from you.
no problem...I wonder anyhow how so few people (root programmes)
can answer so many requests a day...

> The TTree::Query function returns a TTreeResult object that holds the
> result of your query (all rows and columns). This may be a very large object.
> In the version 3.02/06 recently released, the Query function has been
> drastically
> improved in time (about a factor 8 in your example) and the space in memory
> used to store the result divided by about two. This has been achieved
> by rewriting the class TTreeRow.
thanks !
Indeed, yesterday evening (with a pre-3.02/06 version), in a specific
(accessing 36 variables per event where the largest number of events
in a query is about 220'000), the memory usage (resident set size) 
became stationary at about 210 MB, now I tested it with the newest root
version from CVS and the same number is about 155 MB (this includes
of course also other memory unrelated to the Query() ).

thanks & best regards,


Andre Holzner     | +41 22 76 76750 
Bureau 32 2-C13   | Building 32     
CERN              | Office 2-C13    
CH-1211 Geneve 23 |

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