[ROOT] Problem encountered processing mouse event in win32

From: Ed Oltman (eoltman@imago.com)
Date: Thu Jan 03 2002 - 17:27:25 MET


Are there documented limitations on the types of things that can be done in
event handlers in root?  I have a handler that allows interactive selection
of a region of interest of a histogram using the mouse: One performs the
same mouse operations that are used for zoom along the x-axis.  It works
fine, until I add the fitting call - it performs the fit but never returns.
(comment out the fit and it works fine)  I use hsimple.root in the
tutorials - any TH1F will work

Here is my root session:

root [0] TFile f("hsimple.root")
root [1] hpx->Draw()
<TCanvas::MakeDefCanvas>: created default TCanvas with name c1
root [2] c1->AddExec("ex1",".x event.c")
root [3]  ROI limits: -1.280000 1.280000
 FCN=21723.2 FROM MIGRAD    STATUS=CONVERGED      73 CALLS          74 TOTAL
                     EDM=7.24727e-008    STRATEGY= 1  ERROR MATRIX
UNCERTAINTY   1.4 per cent
  EXT PARAMETER                                   STEP         FIRST
  NO.   NAME      VALUE            ERROR          SIZE      DERIVATIVE
   1  Constant    7.95014e+002  2.94883e-001  5.95042e-005  3.14561e-004
   2  Mean        9.96928e-003  4.72499e-004 -1.30032e-006  1.79069e-001
   3  Sigma       1.00597e+000  7.17379e-004 -5.21731e-006  1.88585e+000

 CTRL-C hit !!! ROOT is terminated !

[Note: I had to control-C out - no cpu was being used, root simply hung]

and here is my event handler - event.c

//	This allows selection of an ROI:
	Float_t roiLo,roiHi;
	int ix,ixl,ixh;
	int event = gPad->GetEvent();

	// only care about Button1Down (1) and Button1Up(11) events
	if ((event!=1) && (event!=11) ) return;
	TObject *select = gPad->GetSelected();

	// only care if selected item is x-axis
	if (strcmp(select->GetName(),"xaxis")!=0) return;
	ix = gPad->GetEventX();
	TAxis *h = (TAxis*)select;
	if (event==1) // button down
		// compute lower limit of ROI
		roiLo = gPad->AbsPixeltoX(ix);
		ixl = h->FindBin(roiLo);
		roiLo = h->GetBinLowEdge(ixl);

	else // button up
		// disable event

		// compute upper limit of ROI
		roiHi = gPad->AbsPixeltoX(ix);
		ixh = h->FindBin(roiHi);
		roiHi = h->GetBinLowEdge(ixh)+h->GetBinWidth(ixh);
		printf(" ROI limits: %f %f\n",roiLo,roiHi);
		TH1F *parent = (TH1F *)h->GetParent();

 I am running version 3.02/06 of root on Win2000. I am using VC++ v6 w/sp5.

Ed Oltman

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