Dear Rene; When trying to create a complicated directory hierarchy in TFile, I came across the following questions: 1, Constructor: Sorrowly, mkdir() cannot be used to check if a directory exists already, since "Error("TDirectory","Directory %s exists already",name);" in the constructor does not set "gDirectoy = 0;". I suppose this is a feature to allow namecycles, but then I would suggest to change "Error" to "Warning"? 2, RecursiveRemove(): Is it ok to call RecursiveRemove(), when I want to delete a TObject, or does this have side effects? (I need to pass a TObject and not a namecycle.) 3, Write(): Is there a reason why the variable "name" is not used in method Write(name = 0,..)? It would be great if I could use dir->Write(MyName) to write a single object to TFile. 4, FindObjectAny(): How can I find an object in TFile containing a complicated hierarchy of TDirectories? It would be great to have a recursive method analogous to "TFolder::FindObjectAny()". 5, EncodeNameCycle(): Since every TObject can be stored in TFile, would it be possible to move the methods Encode/DecodeNameCycle() to TObject? 6, Shortcut/Alias: A nice feature of TFolder is that one folder can be added to different folders. It would be great if this could also be done with TDirectory, e.g. as shortcut or alias as known from other file systems. Sorrowly, creating a reference TRef does not help, since TBrowser is not able to recognize it as alias to TDirectory. Thank you for your help. Best regards Christian ---------------------------------- C.h.r.i.s.t.i.a.n S.t.r.a.t.o.w.a V.i.e.n.n.a, A.u.s.t.r.i.a
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