RE: [ROOT] Geant4 and ROOT compilation error...

From: Radovan Chytracek (
Date: Fri Jan 11 2002 - 16:46:44 MET

> Hi,
> I am trying to link ROOT with a Geant4 code.
> I write in the user makefile provide by G4:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------------
> CPPFLAGS        := $(shell root-config --cflags)
> ROOTLIBS         := $(shell root-config --nonew --libs)
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------------
> As they said in the G4 manual to link with external libraries but
> during the
> compilation i got this error:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------

I don't know at what level you have changed the GNUmakefile. I mean, is it a
library one or an application one?.
But anyway, the statement resets existing C++ compiler flags to the new ones,
thus completely forgetting the old settings.
Could you try with the following statement?

CPPFLAGS        += $(shell root-config --cflags)


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