Re: [ROOT] Graph Versus TBrowser's Histogram

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Wed Jan 16 2002 - 15:39:38 MET

Hi Tommaso,

You are right. I have changed the default for the TTreeViewer to be the same
as in the TTree::Draw command. The fix is now in CVS.

To zoom on the axis of a TGraph, move to the pro version 3.02/07

Rene Brun

Tommaso Chiarusi wrote:
> Dear Rooters,
> I've tried to plot two variables using the features of
> TBrowser's StartViewer.
> I dragged the a and b variables (leaves in my data set) onto the x and y
> places and then I pressed the
> graph button to issue a plot on a canvas.
> The result is in the picture
> /afs/
> The variables a and b are respectively the major and minor semiaxis of
> some ellipses, so  b MUST be <= a.
> Well  I startled to the plot since
> I saw many point getting below the y=x line (i.e. b>a!!!!!).
> I tried to us<e the scan feature to see which of those were such events
> with b>a.
> Root told me that NONE of them was "b>a compliant"!
> So I wrote a small script verifying inipendently from Root, and I got the
> same result: none of the events was with b>a!
> Then I plotted the same events using the TGraph, and I got the
> plot
> /afs/
> where is perfectly clear that the geometric condition b<=a is completely
> respected!
> So, my  question is:
> Is it possible that the StartViewer way of plotting is made via
> histogramming and not via "TGraph-ing" ?
> What do you think about swapping this features ? So Scan's results
> could be confirmed directly by  StartViewer's plots.
> Thanks!
> Tommaso
> P.S.
> I'm using old 3.0 version of root.
> Do the GetHistogram() or GetXaxis() functions work with a TGraph
> (let's say in case if I would like to zoom throug the axis ranges )?
> Thank you very much again.
> Tommaso

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