Re: [ROOT] Binomial Error

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Thu Jan 31 2002 - 22:13:43 MET

Hi Stan,

I do not understand your point about Clone! Why do you call this function?
If you want to have a correct error calculation in the resulting
histogram, at least one of the operand histograms (in your case em8 or all
must have Sumw2.
Before Dividing, do
  all->Sumw2(); em8->Sumw2();


Rene Brun

On Thu, 31 Jan 2002, Stanley Forrester wrote:

> I'm having some trouble with displaying error bars on an efficency plot.
> Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?  Also why does one need to call 
> Clone before "dividing."
> The data in the histo "em8" is a subset of the data in histo "all" so I'm 
> trying to use the  binomial error method.  The resulting histogram 
> displays error bars equal to the value the contents of the bin.  
>   TH1F* all = CEM8Track5Validation_All_electronEt;
>   TH1F* em8 = CEM8Track5Validation_Electron_Central_8_v_electronEt;
>   TH1F *e_ratioEt = 
>   (TH1F*)CEM8Track5Validation_Electron_Central_8_v_electronEt
>      ->Clone();
>   e_ratioEt->Divide(em8, all,1,1, "B");  
>   all->Draw();
>   em8->Draw();
>   e_ratioEt->Draw("e");
> ________________________________________________________________
> Stanley S. Forrester
> I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us.
> Pigs treat us as equals.
>                               Sir Winston Churchill

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