[ROOT] TSocketHandler bug?

From: Anton Fokin (anton.fokin@smartquant.com)
Date: Thu Feb 07 2002 - 19:14:39 MET

Hi again,

could someone run the code I sent and check if there is a bug in root on
windows? I asked Valery and he replied he has not time to support root
on windows.

I do not think there is a serious problem with socket select() in root
main event loop, just a minor error (if any). Could you check please?


I am attaching a few lines of code and a makefile (for windows) which
doesn't work on windows but does work on Linux.

Note: I tested this code with the latest root binary on win98 and winNT
and with root 3.01 on Mandrake Linux.

Fons/Valery, could you comment on this please. It is very important for
me to know if this is a bug or feature.


#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TRint.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "TStyle.h"
#include "TError.h"
#include "TEnv.h"
#include "TSysEvtHandler.h"
#include "TSocket.h"
#include "TServerSocket.h"

class TSocketHandler : public TFileHandler {
   TSocket            *fSocket;      //!socket being handled


            TSocketHandler(TSocket *Socket);

virtual    Bool_t  Notify();

    Bool_t  ReadNotify()  { return Notify(); }
    Bool_t  WriteNotify() { return Notify(); }

   TSocket *GetSocket() const { return fSocket; }

TSocketHandler::TSocketHandler(TSocket *Socket) :
TFileHandler(Socket->GetDescriptor(), 1)
   fSocket      = Socket;


  printf("Connection request\n");

  return kTRUE;

int main( int argc, char ** argv )

  TROOT ROOT("R-Quant", "R-Quant Data Analysis Studio");

  TRint App("R-Quant Data Analysis Studio", &argc, argv, 0, 0, kTRUE);

  TServerSocket  *ServerSocket = new TServerSocket(9999, kTRUE);
  TSocketHandler *Handler      = new TSocketHandler(ServerSocket);


  return 0;

ObjSuf        = obj
SrcSuf        = cxx
ExeSuf        = exe
DllSuf        = dll
OutPutOpt     = -out:

# Win32 system with Microsoft Visual C/C++
!include <win32.mak>

# Compilation options (debug/release)
!include "..\option.mak"

INCFLAGS       = -I$(ROOTSYS)/include

CC            = $(cc)
CXX           = $(cc)
CXXFLAGS      = $(CXXOPT) $(cvarsdll) -nologo -G5 -GR -MD -DWIN32

LD            = $(link)
LDFLAGS       = $(LDOPT) $(conlflags) -nologo -pdb:none
SOFLAGS       = $(dlllflags:-pdb:none=)
ROOTLIBS      = $(ROOTSYS)/lib/libCore.lib \
                $(ROOTSYS)/lib/libCint.lib $(ROOTSYS)/lib/libHist.lib \
                $(ROOTSYS)/lib/libGraf.lib $(ROOTSYS)/lib/libGraf3d.lib
                $(ROOTSYS)/lib/libGpad.lib $(ROOTSYS)/lib/libTree.lib \
$(ROOTSYS)/lib/libPostscript.lib \
$(ROOTSYS)/lib/libPhysics.lib \

LIBS          = $(ROOTLIBS) $(QTLIBS) $(RQUANTLIBS) $(guilibsdll)


RQUANTO       = test.$(ObjSuf)

RQUANT        = test.$(ExeSuf)

$(RQUANT):      $(RQUANTO)
                $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(RQUANTO) $(LIBS)
                @echo "RQUANT done"

# ---------------------------------- RQUANT

# RQuant

test.$(ObjSuf) : test.cxx
                $(CXX) test.cxx $(CXXFLAGS) -c

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