[ROOT] Problems with TGPopupMenu::Associate()

From: Brett Viren (bv@bnl.gov)
Date: Fri Feb 08 2002 - 18:53:11 MET


The need to use TGPopupMenu::Associate() makes it very difficult to
construct any hierarchical menus since you have to know the top level
widget (usually a TGMenuBar) in the context of each submenu creation.

It also makes it impossible to create a (working) menu hierarchy with
out knowing where it will be used (ie, what TGMenuBar will eventually
hold it).

I think the simplest solution is to have TGPopupMenu::Associate()
recursively descend and call Associate() on all of its menu entries
which are also TGPopupMenus.  This way a menu hierarchy could be built
up, independent of where it will be used (data encapsulation!), and
then the object which creates the top level menu can call Associate()
with the parent object, and have this trickle down the hierarchy.

Alternatively, but probably a lot more work, is to pass the parent
menu to a submenu's Associate() and then have TGPopupMenus know how to
forward events up to the top level widget.



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