RE: [ROOT] Wanted: "build" subdirectory on AFS

From: Christian Holm Christensen (
Date: Thu Feb 14 2002 - 10:59:34 MET

Hi Axel, Valery et al, 

[This mail is not as long as it seems :-)]

On Wed, 13 Feb 2002 13:33:28 -0600
"Axel Naumann" <> wrote
concerning "RE: [ROOT] Wanted: "build" subdirectory on AFS":
> Dear Valeri & rootdev,
> I completely agree, I was asking for a standardized root Makefile
> for a looong time now - and just wrote my own (yes, not difficult,
> but I think too much to ask for the regular user). It's part of the
> next Fermilab release of root, and we will see if users will pick it
> up.

On Un*x, there's actually some `standard' Makefile for client code.
If you look at the man(1) page of root-config(1), then you'll get some
doc on how to make a client build system that uses Autotools.  

Suppose we have a source tree like 

  somepackage/ -+- lib1/ ----+- Class1.h
                |            |
                |            +- Class1.cxx 
                +- lib2/ ----+- Class2.h
		|            |
                |            +- Class2.cxx 
                +- prog/ ----+- main.cxx 
                +- scripts/ -+- LoadLib1.C 
                             +- LoadLib2.C  

* Put in your somepackage/ file stuff like 

  dnl Put some file in your build tree in the argument

  dnl Put the name of the package, and version number of package 
  AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(somepackage, 1.0) 

  dnl Check for C and C++ compiler 

  dnl Check for libtool 

  dnl Check for ROOT 

  dnl Output Makefiles - put all Makefiles here 
             scripts/Makefile], [])  

* Put in your somepackage/ 

  AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS              = foreign
  SUBDIRS                       = lib1 lib2 prog scripts 

* Put in somepackage/lib1/ 

  ROOTCINT                = @ROOTCINT@
  ROOTLIBS                = @ROOTLIBS@
  ROOTCFLAGS              = @ROOTCFLAGS@
  AM_LDFLAGS              = $(ROOTLDFLAGS)

  pkglib_LTLIBRARIES      =
  pkginclude_HEADERS      = Class.h 
  libLib1_la_SOURCES      = Class1.cxx Class1Dict.cxx 
  libLib1_la_LDFLAGS      = -version-info 1:0

  CLEANFILES              = *Cint.cxx *Cint.h *~ core

  %Cint.cxx %Cint.h:%.h %LinkDef.h
          $(ROOTCINT) -f $*Cint.cxx -c $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $<+

* Put something similar to the above in lib2/ 

* Put in somepackage/prog 

  ROOTCINT                = @ROOTCINT@
  ROOTLIBS                = @ROOTLIBS@
  ROOTCFLAGS              = @ROOTCFLAGS@

  bin_PROGRAMS            = prog 
  prog_SOURCES		  = main.cxx 
  prog_LDADD              = $(ROOTLIBS) \
			    $(top_srcdir)/lib1/ \
  CLEANFILES              = *~ core

* Put in somepackage/scripts/ 

  pkgscriptdir            = $(pkgdatadir)/scripts
  pkgscript_DATA          = LoadLib1.C LoadLib2.C 

* Make sure that root.m4 (from root/build/misc/root.m4) is somewhere
  where aclocal looks for it (usually /usr/share/aclocal), or
  alternatively copy it to somepackage/acinclude.m4 

  If you installed the RPMs or DEBs [1], then root.m4 is installed in
  /usr/share/aclocal, and you needn't do anything. 

* Make the build system 

  automake -a 

* You now have a complete build system that you can ship.  

* To make a distribution (gzipped tar-ball), simply do 

  make dist

* To build and install everything, do 

  make install 

You may need to pass options to configure e.g., 

  ./configure --prefix=${HOME} --with-rootsys=/usr/local/root 

The later is only needed if you haven't set ROOTSYS environment
variable, or root-config isn't in your PATH environment variable. 

If you have GCC installed, but rather want to use another compiler,
then you can override GCC (which Autotools prefer) like 

  CC=mycc CXX=myc++ ./configure 

The installation will be as follows (prefix=/usr/local per default) 

  <prefix> -+- bin/ -+- prog 
            +- lib/ -+- somepackage/ -+-
	    |                         |
            |                         +- ->
	    |                         |
            |                         +-   ->
	    |                         |
            |                         +-
	    |                         |
            |                         +-
            |                         |
            |                         +- ->
	    |                         |
            |                         +-   ->
	    |                         |
            |                         +-
            +- include/ -+- somepackage/ -+- Class1.h 
            |                             |
            |                             +- Class2.h 
            +- share/ -+- somepackage/ -+- scripts/ -+- LoadLib1.C 
                                                     +- LoadLib2.C 

See also my (old) mail [2] to roottalk, though it's technically
outdated, there's a bit more explanations on the stuff. 

> Still, it would be nice to have a Makefile.arch separated from
> root/test/Makefile, i.e. just the arch dependent compiler & linker
> switches without any rules, and a Makefile.config that just contains
> the ARCH, THREADS NOEXCEPTION settings used to build root. This
> would allow other makefiles to simply include all root build
> specific settings.

Perhaps this should be a part of root-config? 

I do not recommend copying the ROOT buildsystem - it's far to complex
for most client code.  The reason for the complexity is basically that
some platforms have `odd' native buildsystems, or none what so ever.
If your only supporting your client code on Un*x that has the GNU
development tools (Autotools basically, and possibly GCC), then use
Autotools.   If you need to support your code on Windoze, write a
specialised build stuff for that platform only (I suggest a MSVC
project discription).  I have no idea if Autotools are avaliable on
MacOSX, but it seems to me that it should (after all, MacOSX is really
Un*x :-). 

> All that can go into test/, no need for an AFS only build subdir.
> Re-inventing the wheel is a bad thing, but only allowing certain
> user groups to use the wheel is not much better, esp for free
> software.

The stuff is really already there (well most of it), so there's really
no need to `reinvent the wheel' as you say.  Also, one should keep in
mind, as you rightly point out, that AFS is not avaliable to all ROOT
users, and personally, I think AFS is too much overhead.  I personally
prefer to install ROOT into /usr (using the DEBs ofcourse :-) so that
I don't have to care about NFS load, environment variables, and other
stuff that may make things slower or complicated  - but that's just


Christian Holm Christensen -------------------------------------------
Address: Sankt Hansgade 23, 1. th.           Phone:  (+45) 35 35 96 91 
         DK-2200 Copenhagen N                Cell:   (+45) 28 82 16 23
         Denmark                             Office: (+45) 353  25 305 
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