Re: [ROOT] Folder/Tree

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Thu Feb 21 2002 - 09:51:24 MET

Hi Jean-Eric,

My proposed solution to your simple problem is the following:

Create two TClonesArray for hits and digits and post them to a folder.
Assuming that you have created the folder "/Event/MC" pointer by
  TFolder *MC
for example with:

    TFolder *EvFolder, *MC;
    EvFolder = gROOT->GetRootFolder()->AddFolder("Event","Event folder");
    gROOT->GetListOfBrowsables()->Add(EvFolder, "Event Folder");
    MC = EvFolder->AddFolder ("MC", "MC hits and Digits folder");
    TClonesArray  *fHits   = new TClonesArray("MCHits");
    TClonesArray  *fDigits = new TClonesArray("MCDigits");

- Now produce a TTree (eg, TreeH) with
   TFile f("hits.root","recreate");
   TClonesArray *myhits = MC->FindObject("Hits); //should be equal to fHits
   void *adh = (void*)MC->GetListOfFolders()->GetObjectRef(myhits);
   TTree *TreeH = new TTree("TreeH","TClonesArray",adh);
   // fill your TClonesArray with MCHits objects

- In your step 2:
  //if a separate job, create the folder structure as above
  TFile f("hits.root","update");
  TTree *TreeH = (TTree*)f.Get(TreeH"):
  TClonesArray *mydigits = MC->FindObject("Digits); //equal to fDigits
  void *add = (void*)MC->GetListOfFolders()->GetObjectRef(mydigits);
  TTree *TreeD = new TTree("TreeD","TClonesArray",add);
  //start the loop on events. for each event, do:
  //fill your fDigits from fHits

  Note that instead of updating the file hits.root, it might be more
  convenient to create a separated file digits.root in case you want to run
  multiple digitisation algorithms.

  If in a next job, you want to read TreeH and TreeD in parallel,
  it may be convenient to declare TreeD a friend of TreeH.

I already implemented a TTree::Branch function accepting a folder name
in input (this saves a few lines above). Unfortunately, I have not yet
implemented the automatic creation of a TFolder structure when
connecting a Tree. This is on my todo list.

Rene Brun

Jean-Eric Campagne wrote:
> Hello dear ROOT developpers,
>         I would like to present a use case and ask for guide lines to
> solve it.
> Use Case:
> --------
> A) Let say that I would like to setup a very simple Data Hierarchy as
> follows:
> 1) <my-experiment>/Event/MC/Hits
>         to holds (T)List of MCHit
>         with a very simple MCHit class
>         class MCHit : public TObject {
>                 public:
>                 MCHit(): m_channelID(0) {}
>                 virtual ~MCHit() {}
>                 //set/get accessor method to the channelID data member
>                 <...>
>                 private:
>                 Int_t m_channelID;
>         };
>         and all the "magic" macros to do the serialisation
> 2)      <my-experiment>/Event/MC/Digits
>         to holds (T)List of MCDigits
>         with a little more complicated MCDigit class
>         class MCDigit : public TObject {
>                 public:
>                 MCDigit(): m_x(0.) {<initialisation of the MCHitRef>}
>                 virtual ~MCDigit() {}
>                 //set/get accessor method to the x data member
>                 //and to the MCHit
>                 <...>
>                 private:
>                 Float_t m_x;
>                 TRef MCHitRef;
>         };
>         and all the "magic" macros to do the serialisation
> B) I have a task that transform the list of MCHit into a list of
> MCDigit which simply transform the channelId into a x position and
> maintain also a reference to the MCHit used (here a one-to-one link is
> supposed)
> Wishes
> ------
>         1) I would like to produce a Tree from the <...>/Event/MC/Hits
> folder and fill it with a (T)List of MCHits
>         2) read back this Tree to retreive the (T)List of MCHit
>         3) create the (T)List of MCDigit
>         4) post this new (T)List in the folder <...>/Event/MC/Digits
>         5) increase the structure of the Tree used at step 2) with this
> new folder and fill it with the (T)List of MCDigit created at step 3)
>         How I can manage that?
>         Best regards
>         J.E Campagne
> .............................................................................
> .LAL - IN2P3 - CNRS
> .LAL - B.P 34 - 91898 Orsay Cedex - France
> .Piece 108
> .Tel +33 (0)1 64 46 84 29
> .Fax +33 (0)1 64 46 83 97
> ...........................................................................

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