Re: [ROOT] ROOT is too smart

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Fri Feb 22 2002 - 08:42:58 MET

Hi Rolf,

We implemented the options in TH1::Draw to be as close as possible
to the same options we had in PAW to facilitate the transition.
I agree with you that some of these options may look inconsistent,
but changing the options now will introduce backward incompatibility.

Solutions to your 2 points:
 - point 1: If you do not want to see the marker, remove the line:
             f->SetMarkerStyle( 22 );
   or select f->SetMarkerStyle( 1 );

 -point 2: By default when Sumw2 has been called, the option "E" drawing
            error bars is selected. you can
            f->Draw("hist"); //to draw only the histogram contour
            f->Draw("hist p") //to draw only the markers
            I will implement "p" to be equivalent to "hist p"

Rene Brun

Rolf Dubitzky wrote:
> Hi,
> in some cases I think ROOT tries to be a little too smart when drawing
> histogramms. Maybe one can reconcider some functionality.
> 1) Why doeas the following draw Polymarkers even if I don't specify "P" ?
>    How can I switch the markers off? Only by setting the size to 0?
>     TH1F *f = new TH1F("h","h",100,-3,3);
>     f->FillRandom("gaus");
>     f->SetMarkerStyle( 22 );
>     f->Draw("E");
> 2) Why does the following draw errorbars even if I don't specify "E"?
>    How can I switch it off?
>     TH1F *f = new TH1F("h","h",100,-3,3);
>     f->FillRandom("gaus");
>     f->Sumw2();
>     f->Draw("P");
> I think it would be more intuitiv, if ROOT draws error bars when I specify E
> and doesn't if I don't, same for polymarkers, but this only my personal
> opinion of course.
> Cheers,
> Rolf
> ***************************************************************
>  Rolf Dubitzky
>  e-mail:
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> ***************************************************************

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