Re: [ROOT] how to change the "title" of a pad

From: Jacek M. Holeczek (
Date: Mon Feb 25 2002 - 09:17:52 MET

> The problem was in THistPainter::PaintTitle. I am now using the
> TLatex::GetXsize function to evaluate precisely the text extent along x.
Something comes to my mind.
Would it be a good idea that when the "text length" is changed (by the
user from the gui, for example) also the TPaveText "title" length is
resized automatically (I vote for it) ?
I have met this problem - my multigraph has a "short" default title, then
after it is drawn, I change it into something much longer, but the text is
unreadable (the font is very small).
Best regards,

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