Re: [ROOT] recovering lost histograms

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Wed Feb 27 2002 - 21:25:51 MET

Hi Ken,

Very easy.
Assuming  MyCodeA a;

To get one histogram from the corresponding directory, do, eg:
  TH1F *h = (TH1F*)a.fChain->GetDirectory()->Get(hist_name);

Rene Brun

On Wed, 27 Feb 2002, Ken Bloom wrote:

> Dear ROOT,
> 	I have two different ROOT ntuples, in two different files.  I use the 
> MakeClass method to give me a skeleton of code that allows me to create and 
> fill histograms based on the contents of the two ntuples, and I can use these 
> classes like so:
> 	.L MyCodeA.C
> 	MyCodeA a;
> 	a.Loop();
> 	.L MyCodeB.C
> 	MyCodeB b;
> 	b.Loop();
> By doing this, TFile objects are being created inside a and b, but I never get 
> to see those.
> 	Now, I would like to compare the histograms made by a to those made by
> b.  At this point, I believe I'm in a directory that belongs to b, so I can
> see the histograms made by b, but seeing the ones made by a is harder.  I know
> that I can see a list of those histograms via something like:
> 	TFile* f1 = 
> (TFile*)gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject("/path/name/of/file");
> 	f1.Print();
> but I seem to have trouble then grabbing the histograms in said list.
> 	So how can I get to use both sets of histograms simultaneously?  And 
> is there a way to do this without going through gROOT?  I feel like I did 
> things like this in PAW, and that it was much easier!  Thanks, best wishes.
> 						Ken
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ken Bloom, Karma Adjuster                                Department of Physics
> 734-763-2329 / 734-936-1817 (fax)                       University of Michigan

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