[ROOT] Clipping TPad objects.

From: Brett Viren (bv@bnl.gov)
Date: Fri Mar 01 2002 - 17:31:49 MET


I have a TPad derived class which holds 4 TGaxis, one on each TPad
edge, with a central region where other objects are drawn.  I manage
zooming and ranges similar to TGHistPainter such that the central
region's range is always the actual desired one (again, stealing much
from THistPainter).

The problem I am up against is that after a zoom, objects protrude out
of the central region and into the TGaxis border region.

Is there some mechanism to clip all these TPad objects (except for the
TGaxis) such that they are not drawn outside the central region?  How
is this accomplished with THistPainter and histograms?

One solution I see is to implement the central region as its own TPad,
as a TPad clips objects to its boundary, but that would require
substantial reworking and I wanted to see if there is a simple way

As always, thanks,

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