[ROOT] TObjArray and TTree automatic splitting

From: Denis Bertini (d.bertini@gsi.de)
Date: Tue Mar 05 2002 - 12:28:27 MET

Hi rooters,

 I have a class Event that contains a "TObjArray *" pointer as datamenber.
  so like

     class Event : public TObject{
     // ...
      TObjArray *myArray;  //

    I put this Class Event in a top-level branch of TTree so:

     Event *event =  new Event();
     TBranch *br= tree->Branch("Event.","MyEvent",

    so with splitlevel = 99 (max)

     I see that the TObjArray is not splitted, is there any reasons for that?
     I know that in the new ROOT version there is a special "Branch" method
     for TObjArray 's and that you have to create this splitting by hand, but
      is created a new "top-level" branches which is not suitable in my case.
       Any hints?

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