[ROOT] Huge file full of TBaskets

From: dandwyer@socrates.Berkeley.EDU
Date: Fri Mar 08 2002 - 01:24:36 MET


I'm having a problem with a huge file full of TBaskets.  I am
processing a Tree (t1), and creating a smaller copy (fewer entries) of
it with some averaged data.  I use the CloneTree(0) command to create
an initially empty tree (t2), and slowly fill it with processed data
from the original tree.  Once I am done, I write this smaller tree to
a file (f1) by having it call t2->Write().  The problem is that the
file I save it in not only has the tree, but a few hundred TBasket
objects as well (which you can see by calling f1->Map(), but which are
not visible in the TBrowser).  I do not call Write at any other point
in the program.  The TBaskets cause my file to be thousands of times
larger than the tree I am trying to save.  Why are these objects being
saved in the file?


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