Re: [ROOT] Maximum number of points in bins of a scatterplot

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Sat Mar 09 2002 - 10:49:40 MET

Hi Thomas,

I agree that controlling the number of dots per histogram is desirable.
However, I prefer not to add yet a new data member in the histogram class.
I have implemented a new drawing option "scat=ff", eg "scat=10" means
draw a scatter plot drawing a number of dots per cell equal to
the cell content times 10. ff is a floating point. One can scale up/down,
eg scat=0.1, scat=3.14, scat=1e-5. Default is "scat=1".

The option to specify the total number of points is not very suitable
in case one wants to zoom on the scatter-plot.

The new feature is now in CVS.

Rene Brun

On Wed, 6 Mar 2002, Thomas Kluge wrote:

> Hi Rooters,
> in THistPainter the constant
> const Int_t <> kNMAX = 2000;
> controls how many dots will be drawn in a bin of a TH2 with scatter plot 
> option.
> In the implementation of THistPainter::PaintScatterPlot() I found:
>       dz = zmax - zmin;
>       if (dz >= kNMAX || zmax < 1) {
>          scale = (kNMAX-1)/dz;
>          if (ncells > 10000) scale /= 5;
>          ltest = kTRUE;
>       }
> so the density of the points is adjusted in two steps right now.
> I would appreciate some means to set this behaviour by the user per 
> histogram. Either one could specify the
> maximum number of points per bin or the sum for the whole histogram. (I 
> would prefer the latter).
> Best regards,
> Thomas Kluge
> -- 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thomas Kluge                  Telephon:   +49(40)8998-4551
> DESY, 1d33                    Telefax:    +49(40)8998-4385
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