[ROOT] Multiple cuts on a ntuple

From: Kevin Reil (reil@physics.utah.edu)
Date: Thu Mar 14 2002 - 01:31:18 MET


I have an ntuple "x1:x2:x3:x4:x5:...:xn" and a list of cuts I wish to
perform. I do not know in advance what n is but it is always larger than 
some minimum. If I create a very long string with all the cuts it does not
work. Is there a quick and easy way to do something like

TNtuple *nt;
TNtuple *ntcut1;
TNtuple *ntcut2;
Open the file with nt



Or best yet

What I wish to avoid is having to code what is in the ntuple nt, create
ntcut1 based on knowledge of nt.
I am aware that I could SetAddress, GetEvent, decide, ntcut1->fill,
etc. Of course, I need to form ntcut1-> to be fillable, create a structure
to hold the proper x1:xn etc. I would prefer above methods.

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|                    And my father dwelt in a tent.                    |

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