[ROOT] problems with cint

From: Elena Vataga (vataga@fnal.gov)
Date: Tue Mar 19 2002 - 14:32:54 MET

Hello rooters!

I am having problem in compiling my TObjects-derived class.
The point is it compiles fine on Linux 6.1 and IRIX but on Linux 7.1 I am

<**compiling**> TANA_dict.cxx
line 39: error #349:
          no operator ">>" matches these operands
            operand types are: TBuffer >> Float_t [5]
        R__b >> mWel;

I have TANA class:

class TANA : public TObject {

  int               EvType4;     // see above for lepton Pt cut 4 GeV
  int               EvType10;    // the same for Pt cut 10 GeV

  Float_t           mZ0el;       // Mass of 2 electrons
  Float_t           mZ0mu;
  Float_t           mWel[5];     //  transverse mass of MET + lepton
  Float_t           mWmu[5];

in .cc:

  for ( int k = 0; k<5; k++ ) {
    mWel[k] = 0.0;
    mWmu[k] = 0.0;

Do not see what could cause it..

Will be grateful for any advice,

p.s. I am using ROOT 3.02/07

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