(no subject)

From: Vahe Mamyan (vahe@jlab.org)
Date: Tue Mar 19 2002 - 23:54:35 MET

 Hello .
 I have Tree h2 in root file whict 
 has some branchs,  I can't read that 
 branchs. For example Trees one branch's name is
 "Event_nr" when I am doing h2->Draw("Event_nr")
  everything is ok, but when I am doing `

  Int_t event;
  TBranch *b_Event_nr ;
  h2->SetBranchAddress("Event_nr",&Event_nr);(root file already opened)
  b_Event_nr = h2->GetBranch("Event_nr");
  if(!b_Event_nr){ cerr<<"## Error : Can't find branch
  int nentrys = h2->GetEntries();
  for(int i=0;i<nentrys;i++)  {
    b_Event_nr->GetEntry(i); //or h2->GetEntry(i); 
    cout<<"Event = "<<Event_nr<<endl;
  I get for for Event_nr wrong numbers like 12001212.
  I am using root  Version   3.02/07, my OS is RedHat 6.2
  What did I wrong ?   Thanks .


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