[ROOT] Geant4 + G4UIRoot

From: Jacek M. Holeczek (holeczek@us.edu.pl)
Date: Thu Mar 21 2002 - 17:11:35 MET

Please find attached a small "helper" ...
The idea behind is the following : I do not need an interactive access to
all Geant4 classes - just to some that are really useful, needed, ..., and
even in this case ... only a subset of "methods" should be there ...
That's how my tiny G4 class and cintified novice examples were born ...
How does the whole thing work :
	Black Magic
How to use it :
	first ... get the NEWEST, IMPROVED G4UIRoot from :
	add G4UIRoot to Geant4 as described on this www page, then ...
	> export ROOTSYS=/where/your/ROOT/distribution/resides
	> export PATH=$ROOTSYS/bin:$PATH
	> . /where/your/geant4/resides/env.sh

	> cd G4UIRoot/G4
	> ./make.G4		// shell script prepared for linuxegcs
	> cd ../examples/novice
	for ? in 1,2,3,4,5,6 repeat ...
	> cd N0?
	> root
	> root [] .x go.cxx	// precompiles user's classes
	> root [] exampleN0?()	// execute macro interactively
Notes and warnings :
	1. exampleN04 - compiles ages long
	2. exampleN02, exampleN03, exampleN05 - G4VIS_USE_OPENGLX
	   visualization assumed (hardcoded in src.cxx)
	3. exampleN02, exampleN04 - warning: `G4VPVParameterisation::...`
	   - currently I do not know why ... this does not seems to make
	   any harm, however - one needs to investigate
	4. "delete gG4" - do not try it, root session hangs, one needs to
	   investigate (possible cause : G4UIRoot deletes TRint ?)
Have fun,

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