Re: [ROOT] Tree not readable

Date: Fri Mar 22 2002 - 15:54:43 MET

Hello Rene,

thanks for the quick reply. The test results are attached, write.log for
writing and read.log until the SegFault.

The TString fields fLogString and fPrefix might be NULL. Could this be the
reason for the problems .. ?

Here is a shortened declaration of the class LogMessage:
class LogMessage : public TObject {
    LogMessage(LogMessage&);  // these two we don't want
    LogMessage& operator=(LogMessage&);
    UChar_t                 fEyeId;      // the Eye from where the msg
    TString                *fLogString;  // the log message itself
    UInt_t                  fLogTime;    // time when message was
    UChar_t                 fMirrorId;   // the Mirror from where the msg
    TString                *fPrefix;     // prefix (origin) of the msg.
    enum EMessageSeverity   fSeverity;   // severity level of log message


On Fri, 22 Mar 2002, Rene Brun wrote:

> Hi,
> Could you add a statement:
>    fTree->Print();
>  just after fTree->Write(..
> then in the program reading the file, do:
>   TFile *file = new TFile( argv[1] );
>   f->ShowTreamerInfo();  //<===add this line
> and
>     TBranch *logb = tree->GetBranch( "LogBranch" );
>     logb->SetAddress( &logm );    // I assume you have LogMessage *logm = 0;

I have now done it, but on the Example page it was not done instead I read
   Event *event = new Event();   //object must be created before setting the branch address

>     gDebug=2;   //(need #include "Tsystem.h") <===add this line
> Send me the output
> Rene Brun

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