[ROOT] Get parameters from pol1 fit to ProfileX

From: K. Hauschild (karlhaus@hep.saclay.cea.fr)
Date: Tue Mar 26 2002 - 12:18:14 MET


I am having trouble getting the parameters of a "pol1"
fit to a profile when compiling.

Version   3.03/02, under solaris 5.9, solarisCC5

void FitAsym() {
  //read in data
  TFile *f1 = new TFile("ScanB/PsaSum.root");
  sprintf(name, "%d/Asym_Thi_S%d_%d",egamma[gamma],i,rad);
  TH2S *hasym = (TH2S*) f1->Get(name);

  //check data, make some constraints....fill new histo
  TH2S *asym = new TH2S(name,name,nbinsx,minx,maxx,nbinsy,miny,maxy);
  TProfile *profx = new TProfile("profx","profx",nbinsx,minx,maxx);

  //Determine x-profile and fit <thi> = a + b.x for modified data
  profx = (TProfile *) asym->ProfileX();

  //Fit linear poly to profile

  //get the fit......PROBLEMS here....
  TF1 *myfit = (TF1*) profx->GetFunction("pol1");
  Double_t p0 = myfit->GetParameter(0);            <=== compiler complains
  Double_t p1 = myfit->GetParameter(1);            <=== compiler complains
  //use these parameters to start real fit.....
The errors are :
"FitAsym.cxx", line 202: Error: The type "TF1" is incomplete.
"FitAsym.cxx", line 203: Error: The type "TF1" is incomplete.



CEA Saclay, DAPNIA/SPhN                Phone  : (33) 01 69 08 7553
Bat 703 - l'Orme des Merisiers         Fax    : (33) 01 69 08 7584
F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette                 E-mail :  khauschild@cea.fr
France                                           karl_hauschild@yahoo.co.uk
                                       WWW: http://www-dapnia.cea.fr/Sphn

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