Dear Rene, dear Fons For testing purposes I have changed spyserver.C into a standalone application (see code fragments below). Now I have the following questions: 1, TSocket::Recv(..): If (s->Recv(request) <= 0) then the socket is removed from TMonitor: However, only (message->What() == 0) means that the connection is closed. How should a real application handle the cases: (what == -1) and (what == -4) ? 2, SpyServer::Run(): Can an infinite loop be used in TApplication::Run() as shown below, or would it be better to implement a TFileHandler? However, TMonitor already uses TSocketHandler. Is this sufficient? 3, TFileHandler: In general, when should a class inherited from TFileHandler be used? Thank you in advance Best regards Christian ---------------------------------- C.h.r.i.s.t.i.a.n S.t.r.a.t.o.w.a V.i.e.n.n.a, A.u.s.t.r.i.a //----spyserv.h----- class SpyServer: public TApplication { private: TServerSocket *fServ; TMonitor *fMon; TList *fSockets; public: SpyServer(int *argc, char **argv); ~SpyServer(); void HandleSocket(TSocket *s); void Run(Bool_t retrn = kFALSE); ClassDef(SpyServer,1) // }; //----spyserv.cxx----- void SpyServer::HandleSocket(TSocket *s) { if (s->IsA() == TServerSocket::Class()) { TSocket *sock = ((TServerSocket*)s)->Accept(); fMon->Add(sock); fSockets->Add(sock); } else { char request[64]; if (s->Recv(request, sizeof(request)) <= 0) { fMon->Remove(s); fSockets->Remove(s); delete s; return; } } } void SpyServer::Run(Bool_t retrn) { for (Int_t i = 0; ; i++) { TSocket *s; if ((s = fMon->Select(20)) != (TSocket*)-1) HandleSocket(s); if (gROOT->IsInterrupted()) break; } } //----spymain.cxx----- int main(int argc, char **argv) { gROOT->SetBatch(); SpyServer *theApp = new SpyServer(&argc, argv); theApp->Run(); delete theApp; return 0; }
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