[ROOT] access *TOGGLE* menu entries

From: Oliver Gutsche (oliver.gutsche@desy.de)
Date: Tue Apr 09 2002 - 09:47:41 MEST

Hi Rooters!

I am using the *TOGGLE* CINT generated menu entries, defined in the 
headerfile of the object. In special cases, I want to change the state 
of a toggle from outside. Is there a possibility to do so?

Thanks for your help,

| Oliver Gutsche                 E-Mail: oliver.gutsche@desy.de         |
| DESY / ZEUS / Geb 1b / Rm 152c Tel.: +49 (40) 8998 - 3062             |
| Notkestrasse 85                Fax.: +49 (40) 8998 - 3092             |
| 22607 Hamburg                  Homepage: http://www.desy.de/~gutsche/ |

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