[ROOT] problems with using more than 1 branch.

From: Martin Turner (martin@hep.ph.liv.ac.uk)
Date: Tue Apr 09 2002 - 12:00:09 MEST

Hello ROOT experts,
This is the frame of some code I have:

TFile *f =new TFile("Lambda_analysis.root","READ");
TTree *lambda_tree =(TTree*)f.Get("Lambda_analysis");

//Do analysis

TFile *f =new TFile("Lambda_analysis.root","READ");
TTree *lambda_tree =(TTree*)f.Get("Lambda_analysis_track");
//ie. a different branch

TH1F* hpt_all_pion=new TH1F("pion pt","pion pt",100,0,10);
lambda_tree2->Draw("ftrack_pt>> pion pt");

This prints nothing except the Canvas and Pad.
It will work if I use hwhatever->SetDirectory(0), but I must do this for
every histogram. Clearly this is messy. Is there any way I can specify
where to place or subsequent histograms. It seems to get confused by using
another branch before it. What exactly is happening?


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