Re: [ROOT] histogram->write() problem

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Wed Apr 10 2002 - 23:14:17 MEST

Hi Dimitris,

I would suggest to replace:
                delete hEquiMap[1];
and make sure that your array TH2F *hEquiMap[2] has its elements correctly
preset to 0.

Rene Brun

On Wed, 10 Apr 2002, Dimitris Sideris wrote:

> Dear Rooters, 
> I have a problem with th1f->Write(). If you look at the sample code bellow, what I do is I fill a histogram then I want to save it and redefine it it with different x-axis, refill it, save it etc. So the code bellow is executed again and again. When the ->Write() statement is commented out, the code works ok. When I introduce the write statement the code crashes after a random number of iterations. 
> This code bit is part of a lrager multithreaded application, and it could be that it's an indirect problem with my code. However maybe it's simple and direct, that's why I would like your advice.
> Thanks
> Dimitris
> TH2F *hEquiMap[2];
> .....
> //******************** loop ************************
>  if (tim>eqStop[1])
>  {  
>       if (hEquiMap[1]) { 
>                TreeOutFile->cd(); 
>               hEquiMap[1]->Write(hEquiMap[1]->GetName(), TObject::kOverwrite); 
>                hEquiMap[1]->Delete();
>          }
>           eqStart[1]=eqStop[0]-equi_width2;
>           eqStop[1]=eqStart[1]+4*equi_width2;
>           eqBins[1]=(eqStop[1]-eqStart[1])/2+1;
>           ceqname2.Format("equim_%i",eqStart[1]);
>           hEquiMap[1] = new TH2F((LPCTSTR) ceqname2,"Equiphase Map",eqBins[1],eqStart[1],eqStop[1],POptionspdaTotalPixels/4,1.,float(POptions->pdaTotalPixels));
>           hEquiMap[1]->SetFillColor(1);
>           hEquiMap[1]->SetContour(128);
>  }
> //***************************************************************

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