[ROOT] Problem with "colz"

From: Franck DELAUNAY (delaunay@ipno.in2p3.fr)
Date: Mon Apr 15 2002 - 15:44:14 MEST

Hi all,

I have some trouble with the "colz" option of the TTree::Draw method. 
I do "gStyle->SetPalette(1)" and then I try to plot one paramater 
against another one, projecting into an TH2F and using the "colz" option
(ie : t->Draw("p1:p2>>myhist2d","","colz")). A canvas is created, the 
histo is plotted, but with nothing inside, and the colour scale on the 
right side looks strange, with only a few colours separated by white areas.
If I do not specify any Draw option, evrything goes right. This I get 
using the pro version (3.00/06).

With the new version (3.02/07), I have another problem. With the same 
Draw command as above, I get :

root [2] ntu->Draw("(ey+esili):tetap>>hc","nocats==0 && nox2==0","colz")
<TCanvas::MakeDefCanvas>: created default TCanvas with name c1
Error in <RootX11ErrorHandler>: BadAccess (attempt to access private 
resource de
nied) (XID: 0)
Error in <RootX11ErrorHandler>: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for 
(XID: 0)

Can anybody help me ?



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