Re: [ROOT] TSelector::ProcessFill(Int_t entry) speed problem

From: Jacek M. Holeczek (
Date: Wed Apr 17 2002 - 11:31:56 MEST

Thanks for reply.

> What you do is extremely innefficient. You destroy the Root cache.
Yes I realize that, but I could not find any solution.

> Instead, open the same file twice (in addition to the selector) with
This is a NO NO.
In "one shot" I analyze 8 ntuples which reside on 4 different files using
the same selector.
I need to do everything from inside of the selector, where only the
"tree" pointer is known / given.
Then ... somewhere in "Notify" I would need to "prepare" the
copies of these specific branches, something like this :
	fChain->SetBranchAddress("x",&x1); // uses variable x1
	b_x1 = fChain->GetBranch("x"); // get the original branch pointer
	b_x0 = CloneMyBranch(b_x1); // first "copy" of b_x1
	b_x0->SetBranchAddress(&x0); // first "copy" uses variable x0
	b_x2 = CloneMyBranch(b_x1); // second "copy" of b_x1
	b_x2->SetBranchAddress(&x2); // second "copy" uses variable x2
Can I do it somehow ?

Thanks in advance,

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