Re: [ROOT] problem in Y axis description

From: Jacek M. Holeczek (
Date: Fri Apr 19 2002 - 13:23:33 MEST


> Could you send me a script showing the problem?

Well I could, but you wouldn't be able to use it anyhow.
In principle I just :
	gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); // postscript files will be printed
	// gStyle->SetTitleBorderSize(1); // SOLVES THE 10^-x PROBLEM !!!
then I create and draw my TCanvas and 8 TPads :
	TCanvas *cE = new TCanvas("cE", "cE");
	TPad *padE1 = new TPad("padE1", "padE1", 0.0, 0.75, 0.5, 1.0);
	// ...
	TPad *padE8 = new TPad("padE8", "padE8", 0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.25);
	padE1->SetGrid(); padE1->Draw();
	// ...
	padE8->SetGrid(); padE8->Draw();
then in every padE? I draw my padE? specific TGraphs/TMultiGraphs :
	TPaveText *p = (TPaveText *)0; // used later to change the title
	TString s; // used later to change the title
	// ...
	padE?->cd(); cE->Modified(); cE->Update();
	mgE250->DrawClone("A"); // TMultiGraph - gives axises and default title
	MaxMinATEVac250SM?->Draw("F"); // padE? specific TMultiGraph
	AllATEVac250SM?->Draw("L"); // another padE? specific TMultiGraph
	if ((p = ((TPaveText *)(gPad->FindObject("title")))) != 0)
	    s = "Modified padE? title";
	    p->Clear(); p->InsertLine(); p->InsertText(s);
	padE?->Modified(); // we are ready with padE?
and finally I :
Nothing special as you can see (the "gif" file, that I have sent you, was
grabbed from a "gv" window - the problem is much more visible in
postscript files than in the TCanvas itself).

> You can circumvent this problem with:
>   -pad->SetTopMargin(0.15);
>   -hist->GetYaxis()->SetNoExponent()

A simple general solution that I actually use is :

Best regards,

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