Re: [ROOT] How to select the MSDOS window

From: Valeri Fine (
Date: Fri Apr 19 2002 - 18:38:14 MEST

Dear Francois,

>   Dear rooters,
>   Recently, I learned how to select a canvas and make it appear in front of
> all other windows. It is with TCanvas->Show(). Is there a way to select in
> the same way the MSDOS window from which ROOT is operated? If it exists, it
> would be nice, because it would avoid leaving the keyboard and going to the
> mouse when one has to enter a list of command and the MSDOS windows is
> deselected. Thanks in advance.

  For my best knowledge ROOT has no conception of the "Console Windows" 
  at the moment.
  By this reason it has no  classes (whatsoever) to control it. 
  ROOT works with "stdout" streams only and has no idea this stdout is associated 
  with some "screen" buffer.   This is this an usual UNIX approach.
 This means to control your windows you have to apply the platform specific API.
 I mean you may yourself create some "Console Control class" interface and provide
 several implementations for the different platforms.

Since you are speaking about "MS DOS" I suspect :) you want to work under Windows.
MS does provide a library to control "Console Window". Let me know if you need a further
assistance here.

  With my best regards, Valeri
>           F.X. Gentit
>           DAPNIA/SPP CEN Saclay
>           tel : 01 69 08 30 38     fax : 01 69 08 64 28
>           web :

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