[ROOT] branch from folder and its splitting level

From: Jean-Eric Campagne (campagne@lal.in2p3.fr)
Date: Fri May 03 2002 - 14:56:46 MEST


I am creating a Tree with a Branch from a Folder according to the 
following scheme:

  //create new Tree
  m_treeMCD = new TTree("TreeMCD","MC Digits");
  gROOT->GetListOfBrowsables ()->Add(m_treeMCD,"TreeMCD");
  //create Digit List 
  m_mcDigitList = new TList();
  //post Digit List into Folder
  //Make Tree branch according to Folder content

and event by event I am populating the m_mcDigitList and fill the tree 
with it and at the end of the job I am writing the tree into a root 

The point is the following, using an interactive Root session and 
loading the output root file, I am only able to browse the TreeMCD 
content that is to say the title of the branch
".topFold.RunMC.EventMC.Digits.MCDigitList" supporting the 
m_mcDigitList, but I have not access to the content of this list even 
if I am loading the so library of the TObject stored in this List.

Have you a solution to propose to be able to see the content of the 
branch created by a Folder content?


.LAL - IN2P3 - CNRS 
.LAL - B.P 34 - 91898 Orsay Cedex - France          
.Piece 108                            
.Tel +33 (0)1 64 46 84 29             
.Fax +33 (0)1 64 46 83 97              

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