[ROOT] Seg.Vol. reading the class derived from abstract class

From: Ruben Shahoian (Ruben.Shahoyan@cern.ch)
Date: Mon May 06 2002 - 14:08:18 MEST

I have a question about the root IO: does the TTree supposed to read/write
the object which is derived from fully abstract class?

Here are details of my problem: 
I need to write/read using the TTree the TClonesArray of the
object. One of the ancestor classes of this object is fully abstract.
(provides some general data members/methods for derived classes)

class NaTrack : 
public NaRecParticle {
 // ..
   virtual NaCluster1D* GetCluster(Int_t i)   const=0; // !!!
  //this method is abstract, depends on derived track version
  Int_t  fNClusters;                     //  Number of contributing clusters
  Int_t  fClusters[kMaxClusters];        //  Clusters Id's (in the station)
  ClassDef(NaTrack,1)                    //  NA60 Reconstructed Base Track Class 
Surely, the derived class (NaPCMuon) which goes into the TClonesArray implements its
virtual NaCluster1D* GetCluster(Int_t i).

class NaPCMuon :
public NaTrack
 virtual NaCluster1D* GetCluster(Int_t i)   const;

The following happens at IO stage:
1) When I write the tree, close it and read it back in the same root
session, everything works well. 

2) But if I quit and start new root
session, I get seg.vol. reading the branch containing mentioned TClonesArray.

Running with the .T and gDebug=1 gives:
1) in the same root session:
ReadBufferClones, class:NaPCMuon, name=NaTrack, fType[0]=0, offset=0,  TStreamerBase, bufpos=132, nc=2
ReadBufferClones, class:NaTrack, name=NaRecParticle, fType[0]=0, offset=0,  TStreamerBase, bufpos=132, nc=2
ReadBufferClones, class:NaRecParticle, name=TObject, fType[0]=66, offset=0,  TStreamerBase, bufpos=132, nc=2
ReadBufferClones, class:NaRecParticle, name=fPXYZ, fType[1]=25, offset=12,  TStreamerBasicType, bufpos=152, nc=2
// !!!! This part corresponds to fully abstract ancestor:
ReadBufferClones, class:NaTrack, name=fNClusters, fType[1]=3, offset=64,  TStreamerBasicType, bufpos=250, nc=2
ReadBufferClones, class:NaTrack, name=fClusters, fType[2]=23, offset=68,  TStreamerBasicType, bufpos=258, nc=2
// !!!!
ReadBufferClones, class:NaPCMuon, name=fParsUncorr, fType[1]=25, offset=168,  TStreamerBasicType, bufpos=450, nc=2

Works fine!

2) If I read the tree in the new root session, it first rebuilds the TStreamerInfo:

====>Rebuilding TStreamerInfo for class: NaPCMuon, version: 1

====>Rebuilding TStreamerInfo for class: NaTrack, version: 1

====>Rebuilding TStreamerInfo for class: NaRecParticle, version: 1

StreamerInfo for class: NaRecParticle, version=1
  BASE          TObject         offset=  0 type=66 Basic ROOT object   
  Float_t       fPXYZ[3]        offset= 12 type=25 Px,Py,Pz of the Particle
  Float_t       fVXYZ[3]        offset= 24 type=25 x,y,z of the Particle beginning
  Float_t       fMass           offset= 36 type= 5 Imposed mass        
  Float_t       fPt             offset= 40 type= 5 Particle Pt         
  Float_t       fYLab           offset= 44 type= 5 Lab Rapidity        
  Char_t        fCharge         offset= 48 type= 1 Particle charge     
  Float_t       fChi2           offset= 52 type= 5 Particle quality    
  Int_t         fNumber         offset= 56 type= 3 Index in the Particles list
  Int_t         fVertexId       offset= 60 type= 3 Id of the vertex to which it is attached
   i= 0, TObject         type= 66, offset=  0, len=1, method=0
   i= 1, fPXYZ           type= 25, offset= 12, len=3, method=0
   i= 2, fVXYZ           type= 25, offset= 24, len=3, method=0
   i= 3, fMass           type=  5, offset= 36, len=1, method=0
   i= 4, fPt             type=  5, offset= 40, len=1, method=0
   i= 5, fYLab           type=  5, offset= 44, len=1, method=0
   i= 6, fCharge         type=  1, offset= 48, len=1, method=0
   i= 7, fChi2           type=  5, offset= 52, len=1, method=0
   i= 8, fNumber         type=  3, offset= 56, len=1, method=0
   i= 9, fVertexId       type=  3, offset= 60, len=1, method=0

StreamerInfo for class: NaTrack, version=1
  BASE          NaRecParticle   offset=  0 type= 0 NA60 Reconstructed Particle Class 
  Int_t         fNClusters      offset=99999 type= 3 Number of contributing clusters      !!!! Wrong offsets
  Int_t         fClusters[24]   offset=99999 type=23 Clusters Id's (in the station)
   i= 0, NaRecParticle   type=  0, offset=  0, len=1, method=157383136
   i= 1, fNClusters      type=  3, offset=99999, len=1, method=0
   i= 2, fClusters       type= 23, offset=99999, len=24, method=0

StreamerInfo for class: NaPCMuon, version=1
  BASE          NaTrack         offset=  0 type= 0 NA60 Track Class    
  Float_t       fParsUncorr[6]  offset=168 type=25 ax,ay,bx,by,pfit,pcomp of Forward Space Track
  Int_t         fSextantId      offset=200 type= 3 Sextant ID          
  Float_t       fSlopErr2       offset=204 type= 5 RRR                 
   i= 0, NaTrack         type=  0, offset=  0, len=1, method=157415504
   i= 1, fParsUncorr     type= 25, offset=168, len=6, method=0
   i= 2, fSextantId      type=  3, offset=200, len=1, method=0
   i= 3, fSlopErr2       type=  5, offset=204, len=1, method=0
ReadBufferClones, class:NaPCMuon, name=NaTrack, fType[0]=0, offset=0,  TStreamerBase, bufpos=132, nc=2
ReadBufferClones, class:NaTrack, name=NaRecParticle, fType[0]=0, offset=0,  TStreamerBase, bufpos=132, nc=2
ReadBufferClones, class:NaRecParticle, name=TObject, fType[0]=66, offset=0,  TStreamerBase, bufpos=132, nc=2
ReadBufferClones, class:NaRecParticle, name=fPXYZ, fType[1]=25, offset=12,  TStreamerBasicType, bufpos=152, nc=2
ReadBufferClones, class:NaRecParticle, name=fVXYZ, fType[2]=25, offset=24,  TStreamerBasicType, bufpos=176, nc=2
ReadBufferClones, class:NaRecParticle, name=fMass, fType[3]=5, offset=36,  TStreamerBasicType, bufpos=200, nc=2
ReadBufferClones, class:NaRecParticle, name=fPt, fType[4]=5, offset=40,  TStreamerBasicType, bufpos=208, nc=2
ReadBufferClones, class:NaRecParticle, name=fYLab, fType[5]=5, offset=44,  TStreamerBasicType, bufpos=216, nc=2
ReadBufferClones, class:NaRecParticle, name=fCharge, fType[6]=1, offset=48,  TStreamerBasicType, bufpos=224, nc=2
ReadBufferClones, class:NaRecParticle, name=fChi2, fType[7]=5, offset=52,  TStreamerBasicType, bufpos=226, nc=2
ReadBufferClones, class:NaRecParticle, name=fNumber, fType[8]=3, offset=56,  TStreamerBasicType, bufpos=234, nc=2
ReadBufferClones, class:NaRecParticle, name=fVertexId, fType[9]=3, offset=60,  TStreamerBasicType, bufpos=242, nc=2
ReadBufferClones, class:NaTrack, name=fNClusters, fType[1]=3, offset=99999,  TStreamerBasicType, bufpos=250, nc=2

 *** Break *** segmentation violation
Root > Function readrec() busy flag cleared

As one can see, all data members of the abstract class have offset = kMissing !
The fact that it happens on when TStreamerInfo::BuildOld() methos is used makes
me to think that this is a bug. Is that so?

Best regards,

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