[ROOT] TCut array

From: Elena Vataga (vataga@fnal.gov)
Date: Mon May 06 2002 - 14:38:32 MEST

	Dear rooters,

Is it possible to define Array of TCuts?
I tried to make the following - and it does not work:


TFile *f    = new TFile("exe.root");
TTree *dt = (TTree*)f->Get("probe");

char name[100];
const Int_t n = 9;
TCut Ctrk[n];
Float_t x;

TCanvas* can= new TCanvas("can","TCut test");

for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
  x = 10.*i;
  sprintf(name,"N_Trk < ",x);
  Ctrk[i] = name;
  dt->Draw("M_eff", Ctrk[i]);

	Thank you in advance,
				Elena Vataga

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