Re: [ROOT] TGMainFrame and resizing

From: Atila Alves Neves (
Date: Tue May 14 2002 - 16:09:48 MEST

>   the resizing all depends on what layout manager and layout hints
> you've used to arrange the widget. Check for example guitest.C where you
> can resize most windows without widgets being scrambled, or for a much
> more complex example the TRootBrowser.cxx code itself:

   I did... the example in the manual is simpler and easier to understand,
and I've compile, ran, and resized _that_ TGMainFrame with no problems.
I've been comparing the code to see where the difference lies, but I
haven't managed to see any major differences. I even used the layout hints
in the example, TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterX | kLHintsCenterY). What's a
layout _manager_, though?
   This is problem is probably realted to another one... namely that a
call to Layout() in a child class will scramble the widgets so much they
can't be seen.

> On Tue, 2002-05-14 at 15:53, Atila Alves Neves wrote:
> >    Hi, I was wondering if anyone had encountered the same problem I ahve
> > now - when resizing a TGMainFrame with the mouse, all the contents
> > rearrange themselves in a manner that has nothing to do with how they
> > originally were. Does anyone know why this would happen? Thanks in
> > advance,
> > 
> > Atila Neves
> -- 
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