[ROOT] THStack doesn't seem to preserve shapes of histogram

From: Dongwook Jang (dwjang@fnal.gov)
Date: Wed May 15 2002 - 11:36:15 MEST


I found THStack is very nice and useful. But it didn't preserve 
histogram shape at some point.

When I tried like:

TH1F* mc = (TH1F*) mcFile->Get("eTrack");
TH1F* data = (TH1F*) dataFile->Get("eTrack");
THStack* hs = new THStack("hs","variables 1");

where mcFile and dataFile are root file containing 1D histograms.

When I swap the adding order, the drawn plots are different. I 
understand the scales are different, but I think the shape at least 
should be preserved, right? Both histograms have same x-range and same bins.

Is it a bug or am I missing something?
Thank you.


Best regards,
Dongwook Jang.
phone :	630-840-2118 (office B0 170-I) 630-840-6315 (FAX)

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