[ROOT] Deleting trees.

From: Martin Turner (martin@hep.ph.liv.ac.uk)
Date: Tue May 21 2002 - 01:21:50 MEST

What is wrong with the folowing piece of code in a compiled make selector?

fLambdaBfile = new TFile(output_filename,"update");
if(fLambdaBfile)  fLambdaB_tree=(TTree*)fLambdaBfile->Get("Jpsi selection");
if(!fLambdaBfile)  fLambdaBfile = new TFile(output_filename,"recreate");
if(fLambdaB_tree)  fLambdaB_tree->Delete("all");

fLambdaB_tree = new TTree("Jpsi selection","jpsi selection tree");

//fLambdaBfile and fLambdaB_tree are defined in the header file of make

It is random wether the script will crash eventually or not. If it will
crash it will give the following warning:

R__unzip: error in header
after the update line.
Are these four lines carelessly coded? Anyone any suspicions? Is the
problems elsewhere?

The goal is to have 3 Tselectors, that make a Lambda Selection, Jpsi
selection and Kshort selection on a single file. These 3 selections are 3
trees which are read in to a final LambdaB selector to give a LB or B0
peak. If I want to update a particular selection then I don't want to
build all the others, so that's my motivation.

Thanks in advance,

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