Re: [ROOT] 3d fit

From: Rene Brun (
Date: Tue May 21 2002 - 10:06:22 MEST

Hi Pat,

an example with the file fit3d.C below.
To execute, do
root > .x fit3d.C++

Rene Brun

//file fit3d.C
#include "TF3.h"
#include "TH3.h"
Double_t func3(Double_t *x, Double_t *par) {
   Double_t r2 = x[0]*x[0] + x[1]*x[1] +x[2]*x[2];
   Double_t arg = (TMath::Sqrt(r2) - par[1])/par[2];
   Double_t val = par[0]*TMath::Exp(-0.5*arg*arg);
   return val;
void fit3d() {
   TF3 *f3 = new TF3("f3",func3,-2,2,-2,2,-2,2,3);
   TH3F *h3 = new TH3F("h3","h3",20,-2,2,20,-2,2,20,-2,2);
   Double_t x,y,z;
   for (Int_t i=0;i<1000000;i++) {

Patrick Murray wrote:
> Hi All,
> Could someone point me in the direction of an example or send my an
> example of a 3 d fit? I want to fit some data to a surface of a sphere.
> Thank you,
> Pat

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