Re: [ROOT] questions about visualization g4 simulation results

From: Sebastien Jan (
Date: Tue May 21 2002 - 14:46:31 MEST

Hi Tobias,

You can find in attachment at this mail an example of an including ROOT
Class in a Geant 4 development for a PET simulation.

See You


Sebastien JAN                          
Institut des Sciences Nucleaires - CNRS/IN2P3
Groupe ATLAS
53, Avenue des Martyrs
38026 Grenoble CEDEX

Tel : 04 76 28 41 87
Piece : 329

#include "GepetoHisto.hh"
#include "GepetoHistoMessenger.hh"
// Include the CLHEP Histogram classes
//#include "CLHEP/Hist/Histogram.h"
//#include "CLHEP/Hist/Tuple.h"
//#include "CLHEP/Hist/HBookFile.h"
// Include files for ROOT.
#include "Rtypes.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TH1.h"
#include "TH2.h"
#include "TProfile.h"
#include "TNtuple.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TBranch.h"
#include "TRandom.h"

#include "globals.hh"

#include "G4Event.hh"
#include "G4Run.hh"
#include "G4Step.hh"
#include "RecorderBase.hh"
#include "G4ios.hh"
#include <iomanip.h>
#include "G4SDManager.hh"
#include "Randomize.hh"
#include "G4VVisManager.hh"
#include "G4UImanager.hh"
#include "G4VProcess.hh"
#include "G4HCofThisEvent.hh"
#include "GepetoDetectorMessenger.hh"
#include "GepetoHit.hh"

#include "CLHEP/Random/RanecuEngine.h"

: histName("histfile"),DOI("YES"),Echant("YES")  
  runMessenger = new GepetoHistoMessenger(this);
  saveRndm = 1;
  hfile = NULL ;
  sig511 = 0.0;
  Rpet = 0.0;
  DeltaX = 0.0;
  DeltaY = 0.0;
  DeltaZ = 0.0;
  NumberRing1 = 0.;
  EspaceEntreRing1 = 0.;
  pet1Fov = 0.;
  NumberCrystalTransaxial = 0;
  NbrCoincTotale = 0.;
  static TROOT rootBase("simple","Test of histogramming and I/O");
  xpos1 = new Float_t[dimOfHitVector] ;
  xpos2 = new Float_t[dimOfHitVector] ;
  ypos1 = new Float_t[dimOfHitVector] ;
  ypos2 = new Float_t[dimOfHitVector] ;
  zpos1 = new Float_t[dimOfHitVector] ;
  zpos2 = new Float_t[dimOfHitVector] ;
  Edep1 = new Float_t[dimOfHitVector] ;
  Edep2 = new Float_t[dimOfHitVector] ;

    delete runMessenger;
    if (hfile != NULL) {
       delete hfile;
    delete tree; 
    delete[] xpos1 ;
    delete[] xpos2 ;
    delete[] ypos1 ;
    delete[] ypos2 ;
    delete[] zpos1 ;
    delete[] zpos2 ;
    delete[] Edep1 ;
    delete[] Edep2 ;

void GepetoHistograms::RecordBeginOfRun(const G4Run* r)
  hfile = new TFile(histName,"RECREATE"); 
  // Arbre
  tree = new TTree("T", "Tree de Simu");
  // save Rndm status
  if (saveRndm > 0)
    { HepRandom::showEngineStatus();

  G4UImanager* UI = G4UImanager::GetUIpointer();
  G4VVisManager* pVVisManager = G4VVisManager::GetConcreteInstance();

  // Initialisation Single
  Nsingle1 = 0.;
  Nsingle2 = 0.;

void GepetoHistograms::RecordEndOfRun(const G4Run* r)
  // save Rndm status
  if (saveRndm == 1)

cout<<" ------------------"<<endl;
cout<<"| Activite Simulee |  "<< Lambda*StartActivity <<" Bq"<< endl;    
cout<<" ------------------"<<endl; 

G4double DeltaT = 50.e-9;

cout<<" ------------------------"<<endl;
cout<<"| Coincidences Fortuites |  "<< ceil(2*DeltaT*Lambda*StartActivity/(1+2*DeltaT*Lambda*StartActivity)*NbrCoincTotale) <<endl;    
cout<<" ------------------------"<<endl; 

cout<<" ------------------------"<<endl;
cout<<"| Coincidences Totales   |  "<< NbrCoincTotale <<endl;    
cout<<" ------------------------"<<endl; 

 cout <<"$$$$$$ Single Evt gamma1 == " <<Nsingle1<<endl;
 cout <<"$$$$$$ Single Evt gamma2 == " <<Nsingle2<<endl;


void GepetoHistograms::RecordBeginOfEvent(const G4Event* event)

  for (G4int k = 0 ; k < dimOfHitVector ; k++)
    Edep1[k] = 0.;
    xpos1[k] = 0.;
    ypos1[k] = 0.;
    zpos1[k] = 0.;
    Edep2[k] = 0.;
    xpos2[k] = 0.;
    ypos2[k] = 0.;
    zpos2[k] = 0.;
  // initialisation des variables Step/Step
  Ndw1  = 0; // Nombre de compton dans le fantome pour gamma1 et gamma2
  Ndw2  = 0;
  Ee = 0;
  E_positron = 0.; // Energie cinetique du positron au vertex
  xe_start    = 0.; 
  ye_start    = 0.;
  ze_start    = 0.;
  xe_stop     = 0.; 
  ye_stop     = 0.;
  ze_stop     = 0.;
  // variables utilisees pour le calcul des parcourts de e+
  libreX = 0.;
  libreY = 0.;
  libreZ = 0.;
  longueur = 0.;
  timeLocal1 = 0.;
  timeGlobal1 = 0.;
  timeLocal2 = 0.;
  timeGlobal2 = 0.;
  DeltaTemps = 0.;
  // Variables reconstruites :
  Erec1 = 0.;
  Erec2 = 0.;
  erec1 = 0.;
  erec2 = 0.;
  xrec1 = 0.;
  xrec2 = 0.;
  yrec1 = 0.;
  yrec2 = 0.;
  zrec1 = 0.;
  zrec2 = 0.;
  Xrec1 = 0.;
  Xrec2 = 0.;
  Yrec1 = 0.;
  Yrec2 = 0.;
  Zrec1 = 0.;
  Zrec2 = 0.;
  // variables de temps
  Nevts = 0.;
  Nt = 0.;
  T_evts = 0.; 
  N_t = 0.;
  A_t = 0.;

void GepetoHistograms::RecordEndOfEvent(const G4Event* event )

// Parametres temps de la simu

  Nevts = event->GetEventID();
  Nt = StartActivity - Nevts ; // Nt : nombre de noyaux restant
  Lambda = log(2.0)/DemiVie ; 
  T_evts = 1/Lambda*log(StartActivity/Nt);
  N_t = StartActivity*exp(-Lambda*T_evts);
  A_t = Lambda*N_t; 
  G4SDManager* fSDM = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer();

  G4int collectionID = fSDM->GetCollectionID("CalCollection");
  G4int collectionID1 = fSDM->GetCollectionID("CalCollection1");

  G4HCofThisEvent* HCofEvent = event->GetHCofThisEvent();
  G4HCofThisEvent* HCofEvent1 = event->GetHCofThisEvent();

  GepetoHitsCollection* trackerHC = 
    (GepetoHitsCollection*) (HCofEvent->GetHC(collectionID));
  GepetoHitsCollection* trackerHC1 = 
    (GepetoHitsCollection*) (HCofEvent1->GetHC(collectionID1));
   numberHits = trackerHC->entries();
   numberHits1 = trackerHC1->entries();

/////////// Parametres de Resolution /////////////
G4double Resolution= (sig511/100.0)*511.0;
G4double a = Resolution/(2.35*sqrt(511.0));


  if( numberHits > dimOfHitVector ) { numberHits = dimOfHitVector ; }

  for (G4int i = 0; i < numberHits ; i++)
      GepetoHit* aHit = (*trackerHC)[i];
      Edep1[i] = aHit->GetEdep() / keV;
      G4double sigma1 = a*sqrt(Edep1[i]);
      G4double DeltaEdep1 = RandGauss::shoot(Edep1[i],sigma1);
      erec1 += DeltaEdep1 ;
      xpos1[i] = aHit->GetPos().x() / cm;
      ypos1[i] = aHit->GetPos().y() / cm;
      zpos1[i] = aHit->GetPos().z() / cm;      
      xrec1 += xpos1[i]*Edep1[i];
      yrec1 += ypos1[i]*Edep1[i];
      zrec1 += zpos1[i]*Edep1[i];

  if( numberHits1 > dimOfHitVector ) { numberHits1 = dimOfHitVector ; }
  for (G4int j = 0; j < numberHits1; j++)
      GepetoHit* aHit1 = (*trackerHC1)[j];
      Edep2[j] = aHit1->GetEdep() / keV;
      G4double sigma2 = a*sqrt(Edep2[j]);
      G4double DeltaEdep2 = RandGauss::shoot(Edep2[j],sigma2);
      erec2 += DeltaEdep2 ;
      xpos2[j] = aHit1->GetPos().x() / cm;
      ypos2[j] = aHit1->GetPos().y() / cm;
      zpos2[j] = aHit1->GetPos().z() / cm;
      xrec2 += xpos2[j]*Edep2[j];
      yrec2 += ypos2[j]*Edep2[j];
      zrec2 += zpos2[j]*Edep2[j];
 // ******  On va mettre une condition pour ne remplir l'arbre que si il y a Hit pour gamma1 && gamma2 ************

// calcul du nombre de single

 if (numberHits == 0. && numberHits1 != 0.) 
 if (numberHits != 0. && numberHits1 == 0.) 
  if (numberHits != 0 && numberHits1 != 0) 
  G4double PI = 3.141592;
  Erec1 = erec1 ;
  Erec2 = erec2 ;
  Rpet = (pet1Rmin*NumberModule1)/(2*PI);
  if (DOI == "YES")
  Xrec1 = xrec1 / Erec1;
  Yrec1 = yrec1 / Erec1;
  Zrec1 = zrec1 / Erec1;
  Xrec2 = xrec2 / Erec2;
  Yrec2 = yrec2 / Erec2;
  Zrec2 = zrec2 / Erec2;
  if (DOI == "NO" )
     if (yrec1 >= 0.)
	 if (xrec1 >= 0.)
	 Xrec1 = Rpet*cos(atan(yrec1/xrec1));
  	 Yrec1 = Rpet*sin(atan(yrec1/xrec1));
	 Xrec1 = -Rpet*cos(atan(yrec1/xrec1));
  	 Yrec1 = Rpet*sin(atan(-yrec1/xrec1));
	 if (xrec1 >= 0.)
	 Xrec1 = Rpet*cos(atan(yrec1/xrec1));
  	 Yrec1 = Rpet*sin(atan(yrec1/xrec1));
	 Xrec1 = -Rpet*cos(atan(yrec1/xrec1));
  	 Yrec1 = Rpet*sin(atan(-yrec1/xrec1));
 if (yrec2 >= 0.)
	 if (xrec2 >= 0.)
	 Xrec2 = Rpet*cos(atan(yrec2/xrec2));
  	 Yrec2 = Rpet*sin(atan(yrec2/xrec2));
	 Xrec2 = -Rpet*cos(atan(yrec2/xrec2));
  	 Yrec2 = Rpet*sin(atan(-yrec2/xrec2));
	 if (xrec2 >= 0.)
	 Xrec2 = Rpet*cos(atan(yrec2/xrec2));
  	 Yrec2 = Rpet*sin(atan(yrec2/xrec2));
	 Xrec2 = -Rpet*cos(atan(yrec2/xrec2));
  	 Yrec2 = Rpet*sin(atan(-yrec2/xrec2));
  Zrec2 = zrec2 / Erec2;
  Zrec1 = zrec1 / Erec1;
  // ooOO0OOoo Calcul de Xrec et Yrec avec Echantillonnage ooOO0OOoo

if (Echant == "YES")
teta = 0.;

//// Calcul TetaEvt1
if (Xrec1 >= 0.)
 if (Yrec1 >= 0.) TetaEvt1 = atan(Yrec1/Xrec1);
 TetaEvt1 = 2*PI + atan(Yrec1/Xrec1);
 TetaEvt1 = PI + atan(Yrec1/Xrec1);

//// Calcul TetaEvt2
if (Xrec2 >= 0.)
 if (Yrec2 >= 0.) TetaEvt2 = atan(Yrec2/Xrec2);
 TetaEvt2 = 2*PI + atan(Yrec2/Xrec2);
 TetaEvt2 = PI + atan(Yrec2/Xrec2);


for(G4int i = 0 ; i < NumberCrystalTransaxial ; i++)
	 if(TetaEvt1 >= teta && TetaEvt1 <= (teta + 2*PI/NumberCrystalTransaxial))
	 TetaEvt1 = teta + PI/NumberCrystalTransaxial;
	 if(TetaEvt2 >= teta && TetaEvt2 <= (teta + 2*PI/NumberCrystalTransaxial))
	 TetaEvt2 = teta + PI/NumberCrystalTransaxial;
teta = teta + 2*PI/NumberCrystalTransaxial;

Revt1 = sqrt(Xrec1*Xrec1 + Yrec1*Yrec1);
Revt2 = sqrt(Xrec2*Xrec2 + Yrec2*Yrec2);

Xrec1 = Revt1*cos(TetaEvt1);
Yrec1 = Revt1*sin(TetaEvt1);

Xrec2 = Revt2*cos(TetaEvt2);
Yrec2 = Revt2*sin(TetaEvt2);
// ooOO0OOoo  Fin du Calcul de Xrec et Yrec avec Echantillonnage ooOO0OOoo     

// ooOO0OOoo  Calcul de Zrec1 avec Echantillonnage ooOO0OOoo

for(G4int j = 1 ; j < NumberRing1 + 1; j++)
	if (Zrec1 >= -(NumberRing1*pet1Fov+(NumberRing1-1)*EspaceEntreRing1)/2 +(j-1)*pet1Fov +  
	(j-1)*EspaceEntreRing1 && Zrec1 <= -(NumberRing1*pet1Fov+(NumberRing1-1)*EspaceEntreRing1)/2 +j*pet1Fov + 
	Zrec1 = -(NumberRing1*pet1Fov+(NumberRing1-1)*EspaceEntreRing1)/2+(j-1)*pet1Fov+(j-1)*EspaceEntreRing1+pet1Fov/2 ;
	goto Exit_Zrec1;
// ooOO0OOoo  Fin du Calcul de Zrec1 avec Echantillonnage ooOO0OOoo 

// ooOO0OOoo  Calcul de Zrec2 avec Echantillonnage ooOO0OOoo

for(G4int k = 1 ; k < NumberRing1 + 1; k++)
	if (Zrec2 >= -(NumberRing1*pet1Fov+(NumberRing1-1)*EspaceEntreRing1)/2 +(k-1)*pet1Fov + 
	(k-1)*EspaceEntreRing1 && Zrec2 <= -(NumberRing1*pet1Fov+(NumberRing1-1)*EspaceEntreRing1)/2 +k*pet1Fov + (k-1)*EspaceEntreRing1)
	Zrec2 = -(NumberRing1*pet1Fov+(NumberRing1-1)*EspaceEntreRing1)/2 +(k-1)*pet1Fov+(k-1)*EspaceEntreRing1+pet1Fov/2;
	goto Exit_Zrec2;
// ooOO0OOoo  Fin du Calcul de Zrec2 avec Echantillonnage ooOO0OOoo     
// ooOO0OOoo  Remplissage du Tree ooOO0OOoo     
// Condition d'exclusion d'evenements sur Zrec1 et Zrec2

if (abs(Zrec1) <= (NumberRing1*pet1Fov+(NumberRing1-1)*EspaceEntreRing1)/2 && abs(Zrec2) <= (NumberRing1*pet1Fov+(NumberRing1-1)*EspaceEntreRing1)/2)       
 // Calcul de la fenetre temporelle entre gamma1 et gamm2
 DeltaTemps = abs(timeGlobal1 - timeGlobal2) ;
 // Calcul du nombre de coincidences Totales -> evenement "double gamma" dans le detecteur
NbrCoincTotale ++ ; 
// ooOO0OOoo  Remplissage du Tree ooOO0OOoo     


void GepetoHistograms::RecordStep(const G4Step* s) 
  G4Track* track = s->GetTrack();
  G4double EdepStep = s->GetDeltaEnergy();
  G4Material* material = track->GetMaterial();
  G4String name = material->GetName();
  G4int nbr_photon = track -> GetTrackID();
  G4ParticleDefinition* particule = track ->GetDefinition();
  G4String Nom = particule->GetParticleName();
  G4StepPoint* sp = s -> GetPostStepPoint();
  const G4VProcess* pro = sp -> GetProcessDefinedStep(); 
  G4String nompro = pro -> GetProcessName();
  G4ThreeVector vertg1,vertg2;
  if (Nom == "e+") {  
    E_positron = track -> GetVertexKineticEnergy() / keV; 
    Ee = E_positron;
    G4ThreeVector vertex_positron = track -> GetVertexPosition();
    xe_start = vertex_positron.x() / cm ;
    ye_start = vertex_positron.y() / cm ;            
    ze_start = vertex_positron.z() / cm ; 
    //cout << "xe = "<<xe<<endl;
    //cout << "ye = "<<ye<<endl;
    //cout << "ze = "<<ze<<endl;
    //////////// parcourt des e+ dans le fantome/////////
    delta = s->GetDeltaPosition();
    delta_X = delta.x();
    delta_Y = delta.y();
    delta_Z = delta.z();

  libreX += delta_X;
  libreY += delta_Y;
  libreZ += delta_Z;
  leng = s -> GetStepLength();
  longueur += leng;
   vertg_e = track -> GetPosition();
              xe_stop = vertg_e.x() / cm ;
              ye_stop = vertg_e.y() / cm ;            // coordonnees au photopic
              ze_stop = vertg_e.z() / cm ;         
  // tout le reste pour les gammas !!!!!!!!!
  if (Nom == "gamma" ) 
    if (nbr_photon == 2)       // 1er gamma
       if (name ==  "Water")
         {if (nompro == "LowEnCompton" || nompro == "LowEnRayleigh")  Ndw1 += 1;} //compton dans l'eau
       timeGlobal1 = track -> GetGlobalTime() / ns;
       timeLocal1  = track -> GetLocalTime();
    if (nbr_photon == 3)        // 2eme gamma
      if (name == "Water")
         {if (nompro == "LowEnCompton" || nompro == "LowEnRayleigh")  Ndw2 += 1;}//compton dans l'eau
       timeGlobal2 = track -> GetGlobalTime() / ns;
       timeLocal2  = track -> GetLocalTime();


void GepetoHistograms::SethistName(G4String name)
histName = name;
G4cout << " hist file = " << histName << G4endl;


void GepetoHistograms::SetresoEner(G4double SigE)
sig511 = SigE;


void GepetoHistograms::SetresoX(G4double resox)
DeltaX = resox;


void GepetoHistograms::SetresoY(G4double resoy)
DeltaY = resoy;


void GepetoHistograms::SetresoZ(G4double resoz)
DeltaZ = resoz;


void GepetoHistograms::SetDOI(G4String doi)
DOI = doi;

void GepetoHistograms::SetEchant(G4String echant)
Echant = echant;
void GepetoHistograms::Set1NumberRing(G4double ring)
  NumberRing1 = ring;
void GepetoHistograms::Set1AxialFov(G4double axialmod)
  pet1Fov = axialmod;
void GepetoHistograms::Set1InterRing(G4double espacering)
  EspaceEntreRing1 = espacering;
void GepetoHistograms::SetNumberCrystalTransaxial(G4int val)
  NumberCrystalTransaxial = val;
void GepetoHistograms::Set1NumberModule(G4double val)
  NumberModule1 = val;
void GepetoHistograms::Set1Rmin(G4double val)
  pet1Rmin = val;

// Fonctions timing

void GepetoHistograms::SetDemiVie(G4double val)
  DemiVie = val;

void GepetoHistograms::SetStartActivity(G4double val)
 StartActivity = val;

#ifndef GepetoHistograms_h
#define GepetoHistograms_h 1

#include "RecorderBase.hh"

#include "G4UserRunAction.hh"

//#include "CLHEP/Hist/Histogram.h"
//#include "CLHEP/Hist/Tuple.h"
//#include "CLHEP/Hist/HBookFile.h"
// Include files for ROOT.
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TH1.h"
#include "TH2.h"
#include "TProfile.h"
#include "TNtuple.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TBranch.h"
#include "TRandom.h"

#include "g4std/iostream"

#include "globals.hh"

#include "G4Step.hh"
#include "G4Event.hh"

#include "G4VProcess.hh"

class GepetoHit;
class GepetoHistoMessenger;
class G4Run;
static const int dimOfHitVector = 500 ;
class GepetoHistograms: public RecorderBase 


  void RecordBeginOfRun(const G4Run *); 
  void RecordEndOfRun(const G4Run *); 

  void RecordBeginOfEvent(const G4Event *); 
  void RecordEndOfEvent(const G4Event * ); 

  void RecordStep(const G4Step *);
  void SethistName(G4String name);
  void SetDOI(G4String doi);
  G4String GetDOI() {return DOI;};
  void SetEchant(G4String echant);
  G4String GetEchant() {return Echant;};
  void SetresoEner(G4double SigE);
  G4double    GetresoEner()      {return sig511;};
  void SetresoX(G4double resox);
  G4double    GetresoX()      {return DeltaX;};
  void SetresoY(G4double resoy);
  G4double    GetresoY()      {return DeltaY;};
  void SetresoZ(G4double resoz);
  G4double    GetresoZ()      {return DeltaZ;};
  void  SetRndmFreq(G4int val) {saveRndm = val;}
  G4int GetRndmFreq()          {return saveRndm;}
  void  Set1NumberRing(G4double val);
  G4double Get1NumberRing()  {return NumberRing1;};
  void  Set1Rmin(G4double val);
  G4double Get1Rmin()  {return pet1Rmin;};
  void  Set1NumberModule(G4double val);
  G4double Get1NumberModule()  {return NumberModule1;};

  void Set1InterRing(G4double); 
  G4double    Get1InterRing()     {return EspaceEntreRing1;};     
  void  SetDemiVie(G4double val);
  G4double GetDemiVie()  {return DemiVie;};

  void SetStartActivity(G4double); 
  G4double    GetStartActivity()     {return StartActivity;};     
  void Set1AxialFov(G4double); 
  G4double    Get1AxialFov()     {return pet1Fov;};    

  void SetNumberCrystalTransaxial(G4int); 
  G4int   GetNumberCrystalTransaxial()     {return NumberCrystalTransaxial;};    

  TFile * hfile;
  G4String histName;
  G4String DOI;
  G4String Echant;
  Float_t sig511;
  Float_t Rpet;
  Float_t DeltaX;
  Float_t DeltaY;
  Float_t DeltaZ;

  Int_t Ndw1,Ndw2;
  Int_t Ee;
  G4double E_positron;
  Float_t  xe_start;
  Float_t  ye_start;
  Float_t  ze_start; 
  Float_t  xe_stop;
  Float_t  ye_stop;
  Float_t  ze_stop;
  Float_t  timeLocal1;
  Float_t  timeGlobal1;
  Float_t  timeLocal2;
  Float_t  timeGlobal2;
  Float_t  DeltaTemps;
  Float_t  DemiVie;
  Float_t  StartActivity;
  Float_t Nevts;
  Float_t Nt;
  Float_t T_evts;
  Float_t Lambda;
  Float_t A_t;
  Float_t N_t;
  Float_t NbrCoincTotale;
  Float_t Lp,longueur,leng,delta_X,delta_Y,delta_Z,libreX,libreY,libreZ;
  G4ThreeVector delta;
   Float_t Erec1,Erec2,erec1,erec2;
   Float_t xrec1,yrec1,zrec1;
   Float_t xrec2,yrec2,zrec2; 
   Float_t Xrec1,Yrec1,Zrec1;
   Float_t Xrec2,Yrec2,Zrec2; 
  Float_t * xpos1 ;
  Float_t * ypos1 ;
  Float_t * zpos1 ;
  Float_t * xpos2 ;
  Float_t * ypos2 ;
  Float_t * zpos2 ;
  Float_t * Edep1 ;
  Float_t * Edep2 ;
  G4ThreeVector vertg_e;
  TTree *tree;
  Int_t numberHits;
  Int_t numberHits1;
  G4int Ne;
  GepetoHistoMessenger* runMessenger;
  G4int saveRndm;    

//////// Variables de l'echantillonnage

G4double teta;
G4double TetaEvt1,TetaEvt2;
G4double Revt1,Revt2;
G4int NumberCrystalTransaxial;
G4double NumberRing1;
G4double EspaceEntreRing1;
G4double pet1Fov;
G4double pet1Rmin;
G4double NumberModule1;
G4double Nsingle1,Nsingle2;



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