[ROOT] Bug with cint ?

From: Mignon Alexis (mignon@ganil.fr)
Date: Tue May 21 2002 - 16:46:40 MEST


I have a problem using rootcint with the following macro definition :
#include "TMath.h"

#define DTOR (TMath::Pi())/180.
#define RTOD 180./(TMath::Pi())

which gives the message :

Error: operator '/' divided by zero FILE:kvposition.h LINE:24

However , this poses no problem with g++ compiler.

Have I made a trivial mistake or is this a bug ?

Thanks in advance

		Alexis Mignon

Alexis Mignon
Bd Henri Becqurel
14076 CAEN Cedex 5
tel: +(33) (0)231454680
e-mail : mignon@ganil.fr

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