[ROOT] Automatic Folder Hierarchy creation

From: Jean-Eric Campagne (campagne@lal.in2p3.fr)
Date: Thu May 23 2002 - 11:00:20 MEST


Below you will find a part of an initialisation of a Monte Carlo Tree 
Hit processing. The Tree Branch has been created acoording to the "Post
a List in a Folder" technics. 

My first question concerns the possibility to create automatically the 
Folder hierachy (instead of calling the routine createFolder which 
makes the job) following the name of the branch that is coded in the 
FindBranch method: .topFold.RunMC.EventMC.Hits.MCHitList. At the most 
convenient it would be nice to just call FindBranch("MCHitList") and if
there is no ambiguity (this is the responsaboility of the code 
developper) then the Folder hierarchy can be infered and created?

My second question concerns the MakeClass in an interactive Root 
session, reading such Tree is it now with root 3.03/05 possible to 
generate automatically a code that make access to the elements of the 
List in the branch?

	J.E Campagne 

RootStorage::RootStorage(const std::string& fileIn, const std::string& fileOut){
  m_status = BaseStorage::OK;

  //create Folders Hierarchy

  //Open the Input file
  m_fileIn  = new TFile(fileIn.data(),"read");
  if (!m_fileIn->IsOpen()) {
    cout << "RootStorage: File " << fileIn << " cannot be openned " << endl;
    m_status = BaseStorage::FATAL;
 //create Hit List 
  m_mcHitList = new TList();

  //Get the Tree of the MC hits
  if (!m_treeMCH) {
    cout << "RootStorage: No TreeMCH in file " << m_fileIn->GetName() << endl;
    m_status = BaseStorage::FATAL;
  //How to avoid this hard coding style...
  m_branchMCH = m_treeMCH->FindBranch(".topFold.RunMC.EventMC.Hits.MCHitList");

  if (!m_branchMCH){
    cout << "RootStorage: Cannot retreive MCM branch " << endl;
    m_status = BaseStorage::FATAL;
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